Ageing changes effective connectivity of motor networks during bimanual finger coordination.


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Bimanual finger coordination declines with age. However, relatively little is known about the neurophysiological alterations in the motor-system causing this decline. In the present study, we used 128-channel electroencephalography (EEG) to evaluate causal interactions of cortical, motor-related brain areas. Right-handed young and elderly subjects performed complex temporally and spatially coupled as well as temporally coupled and spatially uncoupled finger tappings. Employing dynamic causal modelling (DCM) for induced responses, we inferred task-induced effective connectivity within a core motor network comprising bilateral primary motor cortex (M1), lateral premotor cortex (lPM), supplementary motor area (SMA), and prefrontal cortex (PFC).
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Age-related changes,Dynamic causal modelling (DCM),Effective connectivity,Electroencephalography (EEG),Motor cortex,Prefrontal cortex
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