Event-Based Signaling For Reducing Required Data Rates And Processing Power In A Large-Scale Artificial Robotic Skin

2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)(2015)

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In this paper we propose event-based signaling for large-scale artificial robotic skin to reduce bandwidth requirements on data transmission and processing power. We use the send-on-delta principle to trigger the event generation only when tactile sensors are stimulated and transduce novel information. To compare the standard non-event based method with the proposed event-based method we present a comprehensive analysis of large-scale artificial skin systems for different test applications. For this purpose we collect data of 260 CellulARSkin cells on an UR-5 arm and calculate the events off-line. We determine the optimal packet size for event-based signaling and we show that the event-based system reduces the data rate with respect to the non-event based system for an unstimulated skin cell network to 16.45% and for a heavily stimulated skin cell network to 47.69%. The obtained results show that the event-based system reduces the data redundancy and the required transmission rates without loosing information.
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Key words
event-based signaling,data rates,processing power,large-scale artificial robotic skin,bandwidth requirements,data transmission,send-on-delta principle,tactile sensors,standard nonevent based method,event-based method,CellulARSkin cells,UR-5 arm,optimal packet size,unstimulated skin cell network,heavily stimulated skin cell network,event-based system,transmission rates
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