Water Quality Monitoring Using Storm 3 Data Loggers And A Wireless Sensor Network


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Sustainable water management decisions are often made with the support of water quantity and water quality models with a focus on prediction uncertainty. Unfortunately, limited observational data severely constrains the design of accurate water models for these decisions. This paper presents our initial efforts to deploy STORM 3 data loggers and a wireless sensor network (WSN) to collect real-time and in-situ data at fine temporal granularities to monitor the pond at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. Specifically, we present the details about how to set up STORM 3, integrate H-377 water temperature sensor probe from WaterLOG, and validate collected water temperature data. We further explain our prototype WSN and a variety of third-party probes to collect water Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Water pH values. Our deployed STORM 3 and NI-based WSN have been able to collect water temperature, DO, and pH values consistently and periodically in a real-time manner.
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wireless sensor networks, WSNs, STORM 3 data logger, water quality monitor
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