Sa1625 Colon Staining Efficacy of Methylene Blue MMx® 25 mg Modified Release Tablets, Administered As Single Ascending Oral Doses of 150 and 200 mg in Outpatients Colonoscopy

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy(2012)

Cited 2|Views19
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Methylene Blue is commonly used in chromoendoscopy of the bowel to facilitate the identification of precancerous lesions. Current use of methylene blue is limited by the mode of administration. Currently it is sprayed through the scope and the technique relies on the investigator first identifying suspicious areas. Methylene blue MMX® (MB MMX®)is a new oral modified release formulation of methylene blue (MB) developed to provide widespread colonic mucosal staining during colonoscopy and to facilitate chromocolonoscopy.
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sa1625 colon staining efficacy,modified release tablets,single ascending oral doses
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