
Operation of the CESR-TA Vertical Beam Size Monitor at E_ B=4 GeV

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2015)

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We describe operation of the CESR-TA vertical beam size monitor (xBSM) with er. beams with E-b=4 GeV. The xBSM measures vertical beam size by imaging synchrotron radiation x-rays through an optical element onto a detector array of 32 InGaAs photodiodes with 50 pm pitch. The device has previously been successfully used to measure vertical beam sizes of 10-100 mu m on a bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn basis at e(+/-) beam energies of similar to 2 GeV and source magnetic fields below 2.8 kG, for which the detector required calibration for incident x-rays of 1-5 keV. At E-b =4.0 GeV and B=4.5 kG, however, the incident synchrotron radiation spectrum extends to similar to 20 keV, requiring calibration of detector response in that regime. Such a calibration is described and then used to analyze data taken with several different thicknesses of fillers in front of the detector. We obtain a relative precision of better than 4% on beam size measurement from 15 to 100 pm over several different ranges of x-ray energy, including both 1-12 keV and 6-17 keV. The response of an identical detector, but Lilted vertically by 60 in order to increase magnification without a longer beamline, is measured and shown to improve x-ray detection above 4 keV without compromising sensitivity to beam size. We also investigate operation of a coded aperture using gold masking backed by synthetic diamond. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Electron beam size,X-ray diffraction,Pinhole,Coded aperture,Synchrotron radiation,Electron storage ring
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