Comparatives properties of 400 GeV/c p-p interactions with and without charm production (LEBC-EHS Collaboration)
M Aguilarbenitez,W W M Allison,J L Bailly,Swagato Banerjee,W Bartl,M Begalli,P Beilliere,R Bizarri,H Briand,V Canale,C Caso,Erick C Castelli,P Checchia,P Chliapnikov,N Colino,R Contri, D Crennell,A De Angelis,C Defoix,R Dimarco,E Dicapua,F Diezhedo,J Dolbeau,J Dumarchez,S Falciano,C M Fisher,Y Fisyak,F Fontanelli, J R Fry,S N Ganguli,U Gasparini,U Gensch, S Gentile,D G Gibaut,A T Goshaw,F Grard,A Gurtu,R Hamatsu,L Haupt,Sten Hellman,V P Henri,J J Hernandez,S O Holmgren,J Hrubec,P Hughes,D Huss,M Iori,E Jegham,K E Johansson, K E Josa,M Kalelkar,Isao Kita,A G Kholodenko,E Kistenev,S Kitamura,D Knauss,V V Kniazev,W Kowald,P Ladron De Guevara,M Laloum,P Legros,H Leutz,L Lyons,M Macdermott,P K Malhotra,P D Mason,M Mazzucato,M E Michalonmentzer,A Michalon, T Moa,R Monge,L Montanet,Thomas Naumann,G Neuhofer,H K Nguyen,S Nilsson,H Nowak,N Oshima,G Otter,R Ouared,J Panella Comellas,G D Patel,G Patrignani,M Pernicka,P Pilette,C Pinori,G Pirreda,R J Plano,A Poppleton,P Poropat,R Raghavan,S Reucroft, Kelly D Roberts,W J Robertson, A C Roth,H Rohringer,J Salicio,R Schulte,B Sellden,M Sessa,F Simonetto,S Squarcia, V A Stophenko,Arvind Subramanian,W Struczinski, Kyoko Takahashi,M C Touboul,U Trevisan,C Troncon,L Ventura,P Vilain,C Voltolini, B Yonck,W D Walker,C F Wild,T Yamagata,G Zumerle European Physical Journal C(1988)
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