Health Resource Utilization among US Veterans with Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures: A Comparison Before and after Video-Eeg Monitoring

Epilepsy research(2015)

引用 14|浏览15
Objective: Prior to establishing the correct diagnosis, patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) frequently endure significant costs and morbidities associated with utilization of health care resources. In this study of the US veterans population, we aimed to investigate for potential changes in health resource utilization before versus after video-EEG (VEEG) confirmation and disclosure of the PNES diagnosis.Methods: We prospectively studied 65 veterans with VEEG confirmed diagnosis of PNES, and followed their health care utilization during the subsequent 3 years after the diagnosis. Primary outcomes entailed comparing the quantities of post-VEEG outpatient visits and diagnostic procedures versus those during the 3-year span prior to the diagnosis. Secondary outcome involved specifically the measures of seizure-related antiepileptic drug (AED) use from time points before and after VEEG.Results: Within the category of non-psychiatric outpatient visits, we observed significant post-diagnostic decrease in the utilization of PNES-related outpatient visits (p <0.001). Contrastingly, we found significant post-diagnostic increase in the utilization of non-PNES-related outpatient visits (p = 0.004). When examining exclusively for psychiatric outpatient visits, we further observed a trend toward increased attendance of outpatient visits (p = 0.056) after VEEG. Utilization of diagnostic procedures was not significantly different before versus after VEEG (p = 0.293). 52.3% of the patients were prescribed AEDs for seizure-related purpose during the one-year period leading up to VEEG. By comparison, only 7.7%, 12.3%, and 10.8% of the patients were still on AEDs for seizure-related purpose at the one-year, two-year, and three-year time points after VEEG, respectively.Conclusion: We demonstrate new evidence that VEEG confirmation of the PNES diagnosis among US veterans can significantly reduce key measures of non-psychiatric/PNES-related resource utilization, while also potentially associating with appropriate enhancement of psychiatric outpatient visits. However, our results suggest that within this patient population, further efforts are necessary to address heightened demands for non-PNES-related outpatient visits after VEEG. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures,Pseudoseizures,Veterans,Health care resource utilization,Video-EEG monitoring
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