Measurement of the slope parameter for the η → 3π0 decay in the pp → ppη reaction
M. Bashkanov,D. Bogoslawsky,Hans Calén,F. Capellaro,H. Clement,L. Demirörs,C. Ekström,K. Fransson,Leif Gustafsson,B. Höistad,G. Ivanov, Marek Jacewicz,E. Jiganov,T. Johansson,S. Keleta,I. Koch,S. Kullander,A. Kupść,A. A. Kuznetsov,Pawel Marciniewski,R. Meier,B. Morosov,W. Oelert,C. Pauly,Y. Petukhov,H. Pettersson,A. Povtorejko,R. J. M. Y. Ruber,Karin Schönning,Wolfgang Scobel,T. Skorodko,B. Shwartz,V. Sopov,J. Stepaniak,V. Tchernyshev,P. Thörngren Engblom,V. Tikhomirov,A. Turowiecki,G. J. Wagner,Ulrich Wiedner,Magnus Wolke,Akira Yamamoto,J. Zabierowski,Jozef Zlomanczuk Physical Review C(2007)
slope parameter,the<mmlmath xmlnsmml=http//wwww3org/1998/math/mathml
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