Enhanced Radiative Recombination of U92+ Ions with Cooling Electrons for the K-Shell
D. Banas,H. F. Beyer,F. Bosch,C. Brandau,S. Boehm,S. Chatterjee,M. Czarnota,J. -Cl. Dousse,A. Gumberidze,S. Hagmann,C. Kozhuharov,D. Liesen,P. H. Mokler, A. Mueller, A. Kumar,M. Pajek,R. Reuschl,E. W. Schmidt,D. Sierpowski,U. Spillmann,A. Surzhykov,Th. Stoehlker,J. Szlachetko,S. Tashenov,S. Trotsenko,P. Verma,A. Warczak Journal of physics Conference series(2012)
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