
Analysis of ultrasound elastography images for tumor guerin carcinoma during magnetic nanotherapy

Physica Medica(2014)

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The paper presents digital images of transplanted Guerin’s carcinoma in rats during treatment with magnetic nanotherapy. The animals with Guerin carcinoma treated by magneto-mechano-chemically synthesized magnetic nanocomplex (MNC) based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles conjugated with antitumor anthracycline row antibiotic doxorubicin and followed by irradiation with local electromagnetic irradiation (EI) by spatially inhomogeneous constant magnetic and electromagnetic fields had a better outcome than those treated with conventional doxorubicin and MNC without EI. Color Doppler examination, elastography and dynamic viscosity were performed with the diagnostic ultrasound system “ULTIMA SE” (Radmir, Ukraine). Previously studies nuclear magnetic resonance images obtained over time showed that the application of local electromagnetic irradiation does not alter the position of the MNC in the tumor. B-mode sonography demonstrated that injection of MNC in the tumor and EI of the animals had echogenicity throughout the tumor, which characterized the increase in blood perfusion. Сolor Doppler ultrasound (US) image of Guerin’s carcinoma showed that the largest decrease of vessel area occurred after injection of MNC in the tumor after the application of local EI. The elastography performed on diagnostic ultrasound system showed that the injection MNC in tumor increased Young’s modulus for Guerin’s carcinoma as compared to the group of animal without nanoparticles. These results here suggest that US elastography may provide a useful method to monitor the effectiveness of treatment of cancer patients during magnetic nanotherapy.
Magnetic Resonance Elastography,Cancer Treatment,Ultrasound Elastography,Tissue Elasticity Mapping
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