Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, Third Edition

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery(2014)

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As a service to our readers, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® reviews books, DVDs, practice management software, and electronic media items of educational interest to reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons. All items are copyrighted and available commercially. The Journal actively solicits information in digital format (e.g., CD-ROM and Internet offerings) for review. Reviewers are selected on the basis of relevant interest. Reviews are solely the opinion of the reviewer; they are usually published as submitted, with only copy editing. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® does not endorse or recommend any review so published. Send books, DVDs, and any other material for consideration to: Ronald P. Gruber, M.D., Review Editor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Brookriver Executive Center, 8150 Brookriver Drive, Suite S-415, Dallas, Texas 75247. Ronald P. Gruber, M.D. Review Editor I am a collector of books, both for my clinical work and for pleasure. I have a bad habit of buying books from the sellers in the exhibit halls after skimming their pages for a few minutes, believing this would be very important to have. Invariably, the book sits in plain view on my office desk undisturbed for several weeks. After the grim realization that its contents will not be absorbed into my consciousness through osmosis, the book gets relegated to my shelves, rarely to be touched again.FigureNot so with this two-volume set by Drs. Rohrich, Adams, Ahmad, and Gunter. This is the third edition of a well-respected tome on rhinoplasty and is based on the teachings of the Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium, now in its thirtieth year. This edition will be in constant shuffle on my playlist. The first volume covers the basics, with the standard chapters on nasal anatomy, surgical approaches, and specifics based on anatomic subunits (including the chin). The second volume includes secondary rhinoplasty, airway dysfunction, and special topics, such as cocaine nose, cleft nasal deformity, filler rhinoplasty, and personal approaches by nine masters. Each chapter is well laid out with standardized images and figures. There are call-out boxes and a summary of the important points of each chapter at the end. The list of references is complete but not exhausting. The book is complemented by four beautifully edited DVDs covering surgical techniques demonstrated by well-known experts in the field, in addition to a downloadable e-version for your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. The movie clips themselves are excellent examples of nasal analysis followed by a comprehensive surgical approach. Sixty-eight chapters, 36 authors, and 1604 pages—more than most of us will need to complement our knowledge on this fascinating subject. It has application for both the newbie and experienced surgeon. The chapters are consistently easy to read and accessible. It would be hard to find a clinical situation that was not somehow covered in the text. The authors are all exceptional rhinoplasty surgeons and well recognized for their contributions to the field. The range of topics has expanded significantly from the previous edition, and the chapter headings are broad and comprehensive, ranging from the common to the exotic. Volume 2 focuses on a higher level of rhinoplasty expertise, with a large segment dedicated to secondary rhinoplasty and more complex nasal problems. There are many case analyses that readers can use in order to assist in clinical decision making. As such, it could be used as a recipe book for solving a specific clinical issue, but these two volumes stand on their own as a wonderfully enriching educational opportunity about the field of rhinoplasty in general. I really have no criticisms to voice of this great book, apart from better envelopes to hold the DVDs. For those with more than a passing interest in all things related to rhinoplasty, I am delighted to give this my strongest recommendation. Christopher R. Forrest, M.D., M.Sc.
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