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Production of Z0 Bosons in Elastic and Quasi-Elastic Ep Collisions at HERA

H. Abramowicz,I. Abt,L. Adamczyk,M. Adamus,R. Aggarwal, S. Antonelli,P. Antonioli,A. Antonov,M. Arneodo,O. Arslan,V. Aushev,Y. Aushev,O. Bachynska,A. Bamberger,A. N. Barakbaev,G. Barbagli,G. Bari,F. Barreiro, N. Bartosik,D. Bartsch,M. Basile,O. Behnke,J. Behr,U. Behrens,L. Bellagamba,A. Bertolin,S. Bhadra,M. Bindi,C. Blohm,V. Bokhonov,T. Bold,K. Bondarenko,E. G. Boos,K. Borras, D. Boscherini,D. Bot,I. Brock,E. Brownson,R. Brugnera, N. Bruemmer,A. Bruni,G. Bruni,B. Brzozowska,P. J. Bussey,B. Bylsma,A. Caldwell,M. Capua,R. Carlin,C. D. Catterall,S. Chekanov,J. Chwastowski,J. Ciborowski,R. Ciesielski,L. Cifarelli,F. Cindolo,A. Contin,A. M. Cooper-Sarkar,N. Coppola,M. Corradi,F. Corriveau,M. Costa, G. D'Agostini,E. Dal Corso,J. del Peso,R. K. Dementiev,S. De Pasquale,M. Derrick, R. C. E. Devenish,D. Dobur,B. A. Dolgoshein,G. Dolinska,A. T. Doyle,V. Drugakov,L. S. Durkin,S. Dusini,Y. Eisenberg,P. F. Ermolov,A. Eskreys,S. Fang,S. Fazio,J. Ferrando,M. I. Ferrero,J. Figiel,B. Foster,G. Gach,A. Galas,E. Gallo,A. Garfagnini,A. Geiser,I. Gialas,A. Gizhko,L. K. Gladilin, D. Gladkov,C. Glasman,O. Gogota,Yu. A. Golubkov, P. Goettlicher,I. Grabowska-Bold,J. Grebenyuk,I. Gregor,G. Grigorescu,G. Grzelak,O. Gueta,M. Guzik,C. Gwenlan,T. Haas,W. Hain,R. Hamatsu,J. C. Hart,H. Hartmann,G. Hartner,E. Hilger,D. Hochman,R. Hori,A. Huettmann,Z. A. Ibrahim,Y. Iga,R. Ingbir,M. Ishitsuka,H. -P Jakob, F. Januschek,T. W. Jones, M. Juengst,I. Kadenko,B. Kahle,S. Kananov, T. Kanno,U. Karshon,F. Karstens,I. I. Katkov,M. Kaur,P. Kaur, A. Keramidas,L. A. Khein,J. Y. Kim,D. Kisielewska,S. Kitamura,R. Klanner,U. Klein,E. Koffeman,N. Kondrashova,O. Kononenko,P. Kooijman,Ie. Korol,I. A. Korzhavina,A. Kotanski, U. Koetz,H. Kowalski, O. Kuprash,M. Kuze, A. Lee,B. B. Levchenko,A. Levy,V. Libov,S. Limentani,T. Y. Ling,M. Lisovyi,E. Lobodzinska,W. Lohmann, B. Loehr,E. Lohrmann,K. R. Long,A. Longhin,D. Lontkovskyi, O. Yu. Lukina,J. Maeda,S. Magill,I. Makarenko,J. Malka, R. Mankel,A. Margotti, G. Marini,J. F. Martin,A. Mastroberardino,M. C. K. Mattingly,I. -A. Melzer-Pellmann,S. Mergelmeyer,S. Miglioranzi,F. Mohamad Idris,V. Monaco,A. Montanari,J. D. Morris, K. Mujkic,B. Musgrave,K. Nagano,T. Namsoo,R. Nania, A. Nigro,Y. Ning,T. Nobe,D. Notz,R. J. Nowak,A. E. Nuncio-Quiroz,B. Y. Oh,N. Okazaki,K. Olkiewicz, Yu. Onishchuk,K. Papageorgiu,A. Parenti,E. Paul,J. M. Pawlak,B. Pawlik,P. G. Pelfer, A. Pellegrino,W. Perlanski,H. Perrey,K. Piotrzkowski,P. Plucinski,N. S. Pokrovskiy,A. Polini,A. S. Proskuryakov,M. Przybycien,A. Raval,D. D. Reeder,B. Reisert,Z. Ren,J. Repond,Y. D. Ri,A. Robertson,P. Roloff,I. Rubinsky,M. Ruspa,R. Sacchi,U. Samson, G. Sartorelli, A. A. Savin,D. H. Saxon,M. Schioppa,S. Schlenstedt,P. Schleper,W. B. Schmidke,U. Schneekloth, V. Schoenberg,T. Schoerner-Sadenius,J. Schwartz,F. Sciulli,L. M. Shcheglova,R. Shehzadi,S. Shimizu,I. Singh,I. O. Skillicorn,W. Slominski,W. H. Smith,V. Sola,A. Solano,D. Son, V. Sosnovtsev,A. Spiridonov,H. Stadie,L. Stanco,N. Stefaniuk,A. Stern,T. P. Stewart,A. Stifutkin,P. Stopa,S. Suchkov,G. Susinno,L. Suszycki,J. Sztuk-Dambietz,D. Szuba,J. Szuba,A. D. Tapper,E. Tassi,J. Terron,T. Theedt,H. Tiecke,K. Tokushuku,J. Tomaszewska,V. Trusov,T. Tsurugai,M. Turcato,O. Turkot,T. Tymieniecka,M. Vazquez,A. Verbytskyi,O. Viazlo,N. N. Vlasov,R. Walczak,W. A. T. Wan Abdullah,J. J. Whitmore,K. Wichmann,L. Wiggers,M. Wing,M. Wlasenko,G. Wolf,H. Wolfe,K. Wrona, A. G. Yaguees-Molina,S. Yamada,Y. Yamazaki,R. Yoshida,C. Youngman,O. Zabiegalov,A. F. Zarnecki,L. Zawiejski,O. Zenaiev,W. Zeuner, B. O. Zhautykov,N. Zhmak,A. Zichichi,Z. Zolkapli,D. S. Zotkin

Proceedings of XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects — PoS(DIS 2013)(2013)

Cited 14|Views31
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The production of Z0 bosons in the reaction ep -> eZ0p*, where p* stands for a proton or a low-mass nucleon resonance, has been studied in ep collisions at HERA using the ZEUS detector. The analysis is based on a data sample collected between 1996 and 2007, amounting to 496 pb-1 of integrated luminosity. The Z0 was measured in the hadronic decay mode. The elasticity of the events was ensured by a cut on eta_max < 3.0, where eta_max is the maximum pseudorapidity of energy deposits in the calorimeter defined with respect to the proton beam direction. A signal was observed at the Z0 mass. The cross section of the reaction ep -> eZ0p* was measured to be sigma(ep -> eZ0p*) = 0.13 +/- 0.06 (stat.) +/- 0.01 (syst.) pb, in agreement with the Standard Model prediction of 0.16 pb. This is the first measurement of Z0 production in ep collisions.
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High-Energy Collider
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