
Measurement of the CKM Angle Γ Using B ± → DK ± with D → K S 0 Π + Π − , K S 0 K + K − Decays

The LHCb collaboration,R. Aaij,B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi,A. Affolder,Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar,J. Albrecht,F. Alessio,M. Alexander,S. Ali, G. Alkhazov,P. Alvarez Cartelle,S. Amato, S. Amerio,Y. Amhis,L. An,L. Anderlini,J. Anderson,R. Andreassen,M. Andreotti,J. E. Andrews,R. B. Appleby,O. Aquines Gutierrez,F. Archilli,A. Artamonov,M. Artuso,E. Aslanides,G. Auriemma,M. Baalouch,S. Bachmann,J. J. Back,A. Badalov,W. Baldini,R. J. Barlow,C. Barschel,S. Barsuk,W. Barter,V. Batozskaya,V. Battista,A. Bay,L. Beaucourt,J. Beddow,F. Bedeschi,I. Bediaga, S. Belogurov,K. Belous,I. Belyaev,E. Ben-Haim, G. Bencivenni,S. Benson,J. Benton,A. Berezhnoy,R. Bernet,M.-O. Bettler,M. van Beuzekom,A. Bien, S. Bifani,T. Bird,A. Bizzeti, P. M. Bjørnstad,T. Blake,F. Blanc,J. Blouw,S. Blusk,V. Bocci,A. Bondar,N. Bondar,W. Bonivento,S. Borghi,A. Borgia,M. Borsato,T. J. V. Bowcock,E. Bowen,C. Bozzi,T. Brambach,J. van den Brand,J. Bressieux,D. Brett,M. Britsch,T. Britton,J. Brodzicka,N. H. Brook,H. Brown,A. Bursche,G. Busetto,J. Buytaert,S. Cadeddu,R. Calabrese,M. Calvi,M. Calvo Gomez,P. Campana,D. Campora Perez,A. Carbone,G. Carboni,R. Cardinale, A. Cardini,L. Carson,K. Carvalho Akiba,G. Casse,L. Cassina,L. Castillo Garcia,M. Cattaneo,Ch. Cauet, R. Cenci,M. Charles,Ph. Charpentier,M. Chefdeville,S. Chen,S.-F. Cheung,N. Chiapolini,M. Chrzaszcz,K. Ciba,X. Cid Vidal,G. Ciezarek,P. E. L. Clarke,M. Clemencic,H. V. Cliff,J. Closier,V. Coco,J. Cogan,E. Cogneras,L. Cojocariu,P. Collins,A. Comerma-Montells,A. Contu,A. Cook,M. Coombes,S. Coquereau,G. Corti,M. Corvo,I. Counts,B. Couturier,G. A. Cowan,D. C. Craik,M. Cruz Torres,S. Cunliffe,R. Currie,C. D’Ambrosio,J. Dalseno,P. David,P. N. Y. David,A. Davis,K. De Bruyn,S. De Capua,M. De Cian,J. M. De Miranda,L. De Paula,W. De Silva,P. De Simone,D. Decamp,M. Deckenhoff,L. Del Buono,N. Déléage,D. Derkach,O. Deschamps,F. Dettori,A. Di Canto,H. Dijkstra,S. Donleavy,F. Dordei,M. Dorigo,A. Dosil Suárez,D. Dossett,A. Dovbnya,K. Dreimanis,G. Dujany,F. Dupertuis, P. Durante,R. Dzhelyadin,A. Dziurda,A. Dzyuba,S. Easo,U. Egede,V. Egorychev, S. Eidelman,S. Eisenhardt,U. Eitschberger,R. Ekelhof,L. Eklund,I. El Rifai,Ch. Elsasser,S. Ely,S. Esen,H.-M. Evans,T. Evans,A. Falabella, C. Färber,C. Farinelli,N. Farley,S. Farry,RF Fay,D. Ferguson,V. Fernandez Albor,F. Ferreira Rodrigues,M. Ferro-Luzzi,S. Filippov,M. Fiore,M. Fiorini,M. Firlej,C. Fitzpatrick,T. Fiutowski,M. Fontana,F. Fontanelli,R. Forty,O. Francisco,M. Frank,C. Frei,M. Frosini,J. Fu,E. Furfaro,A. Gallas Torreira,D. Galli,S. Gallorini,S. Gambetta,M. Gandelman, P. Gandini,Y. Gao,J. García Pardiñas, J. Garofoli,J. Garra Tico,L. Garrido,C. Gaspar,R. Gauld,L. Gavardi,G. Gavrilov,A. Geraci,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,T. Gershon,Ph. Ghez,A. Gianelle,S. Giani’,V. Gibson,L. Giubega,V. V. Gligorov,C. Göbel,D. Golubkov,A. Golutvin,A. Gomes,C. Gotti,M. Grabalosa Gándara,R. Graciani Diaz,L. A. Granado Cardoso,E. Graugés,G. Graziani,A. Grecu,E. Greening,S. Gregson,P. Griffith,L. Grillo,O. Grünberg,B. Gui,E. Gushchin,Yu. Guz,T. Gys, C. Hadjivasiliou,G. Haefeli, C. Haen,S. C. Haines,S. Hall, B. Hamilton,T. Hampson,X. Han,S. Hansmann-Menzemer,N. Harnew,S. T. Harnew,J. Harrison,J. He,T. Head,V. Heijne,K. Hennessy,P. Henrard,L. Henry,J. A. Hernando Morata,E. van Herwijnen, M. Heß,A. Hicheur,D. Hill,M. Hoballah,C. Hombach,W. Hulsbergen,P. Hunt,N. Hussain,D. Hutchcroft,D. Hynds,M. Idzik,P. Ilten,R. Jacobsson,A. Jaeger,J. Jalocha,E. Jans, P. Jaton, A. Jawahery,F. Jing,M. John,D. Johnson,C. R. Jones,C. Joram,B. Jost,N. Jurik, M. Kaballo,S. Kandybei,W. Kanso,M. Karacson,T. M. Karbach,S. Karodia,M. Kelsey,I. R. Kenyon,T. Ketel,B. Khanji,C. Khurewathanakul,S. Klaver,K. Klimaszewski,O. Kochebina,M. Kolpin,I. Komarov,R. F. Koopman,P. Koppenburg, M. Korolev,A. Kozlinskiy,L. Kravchuk,K. Kreplin,M. Kreps,G. Krocker, P. Krokovny,F. Kruse,W. Kucewicz,M. Kucharczyk,V. Kudryavtsev,K. Kurek,T. Kvaratskheliya,V. N. La Thi,D. Lacarrere,G. Lafferty,A. Lai,D. Lambert,R. W. Lambert,G. Lanfranchi,C. Langenbruch,B. Langhans,T. Latham, C. Lazzeroni,R. Le Gac, J. van Leerdam,J.-P. Lees,R. Lefèvre, A. Leflat, J. Lefrançois,S. Leo,O. Leroy,T. Lesiak, B. Leverington, Y. Li,T. Likhomanenko,M. Liles,R. Lindner,C. Linn,F. Lionetto,B. Liu,S. Lohn,I. Longstaff, J. H. Lopes,N. Lopez-March,P. Lowdon,H. Lu,D. Lucchesi,H. Luo,A. Lupato,E. Luppi,O. Lupton,F. Machefert,I. V. Machikhiliyan,F. Maciuc,O. Maev,S. Malde,A. Malinin,G. Manca,G. Mancinelli,A. Mapelli,J. Maratas,J. F. Marchand,U. Marconi,C. Marin Benito, P. Marino, R. Märki,J. Marks,G. Martellotti,A. Martens,A. Martín Sánchez,M. Martinelli,D. Martinez Santos,F. Martinez Vidal,D. Martins Tostes,A. Massafferri,R. Matev,Z. Mathe,C. Matteuzzi,A. Mazurov,M. McCann,J. McCarthy,A. McNab,R. McNulty,B. McSkelly,B. Meadows,F. Meier,M. Meissner, M. Merk,D. A. Milanes,M.-N. Minard,N. Moggi,J. Molina Rodriguez,S. Monteil,M. Morandin,P. Morawski,A. Mordà,M. J. Morello,J. Moron,A.-B. Morris,R. Mountain,F. Muheim,K. Müller,M. Mussini,B. Muster,P. Naik,T. Nakada,R. Nandakumar,I. Nasteva,M. Needham, N. Neri,S. Neubert,N. Neufeld,M. Neuner,A. D. Nguyen,T. D. Nguyen,C. Nguyen-Mau,M. Nicol,V. Niess,R. Niet,N. Nikitin,T. Nikodem,A. Novoselov,D. P. O’Hanlon,A. Oblakowska-Mucha,V. Obraztsov,S. Oggero,S. Ogilvy,O. Okhrimenko,R. Oldeman,G. Onderwater,M. Orlandea,J. M. Otalora Goicochea,P. Owen,A. Oyanguren,B. K. Pal, A. Palano,F. Palombo, M. Palutan,J. Panman,A. Papanestis,M. Pappagallo,L. L. Pappalardo,C. Parkes,C. J. Parkinson,G. Passaleva,G. D. Patel,M. Patel, C. Patrignani,A. Pazos Alvarez,A. Pearce,A. Pellegrino,M. Pepe Altarelli,S. Perazzini,E. Perez Trigo,P. Perret,M. Perrin-Terrin,L. Pescatore,E. Pesen,K. Petridis,A. Petrolini,E. Picatoste Olloqui,B. Pietrzyk,T. Pilař, D. Pinci,A. Pistone,S. Playfer,M. Plo Casasus,F. Polci,A. Poluektov,E. Polycarpo,A. Popov,D. Popov,B. Popovici,C. Potterat,E. Price,J. Prisciandaro,A. Pritchard,C. Prouve,V. Pugatch,A. Puig Navarro,G. Punzi,W. Qian,B. Rachwal, J. H. Rademacker,B. Rakotomiaramanana, M. Rama,M. S. 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˜The œJournal of high energy physics/˜The œjournal of high energy physics(2018)

引用 44|浏览14
A binned Dalitz plot analysis of B ± → DK ± decays, with D→K_^S^0π^+π^- and D→K_^S^0K^+K^- , is performed to measure the CP -violating observables x ± and y ± , which are sensitive to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle γ . The analysis exploits a sample of proton-proton collision data corresponding to 3.0 fb −1 collected by the LHCb experiment. Measurements from CLEO-c of the variation of the strong-interaction phase of the D decay over the Dalitz plot are used as inputs. The values of the parameters are found to be x + = (−7.7 ± 2.4 ± 1.0 ± 0.4) × 10 − 2 , x − = (2.5 ± 2.5 ± 1.0 ± 0.5) × 10 − 2 , y + = (−2.2 ± 2.5 ± 0.4 ± 1.0) × 10 − 2 and y − = (7.5 ± 2.9 ± 0.5 ± 1.4) × 10 − 2 . The first, second, and third uncertainties are the statistical, the experimental systematic, and that associated with the precision of the strong-phase parameters. These are the most precise measurements of these observables and correspond to γ = (62 − 14 + 15 ) ° , with a second solution at γ → γ + 180 ° , and r B = 0.080 − 0.021 + 0.019 , where r B is the ratio between the suppressed and favoured B decay amplitudes.
CP violation,CKM angle gamma,Hadron-Hadron Scattering,B physics,Flavor physics
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