Measurement of D ∗ Photoproduction at Three Different Centre-of-mass Energies at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration,H. Abramowicz,I. Abt,L. Adamczyk,M. Adamus,R. Aggarwal, S. Antonelli,O. Arslan,V. Aushev,Y. Aushev,O. Bachynska,A. N. Barakbaev,N. Bartosik,O. Behnke,J. Behr,U. Behrens,A. Bertolin,S. Bhadra,I. Bloch,V. Bokhonov,E. G. Boos,K. Borras,I. Brock,R. Brugnera,A. Bruni,B. Brzozowska,P. J. Bussey,A. Caldwell,M. Capua,C. D. Catterall,J. Chwastowski,J. Ciborowski,R. Ciesielski,A. M. Cooper-Sarkar,M. Corradi,F. Corriveau,G. D’Agostini,R. K. Dementiev, R. C. E. Devenish,G. Dolinska,V. Drugakov, S. Dusini,J. Ferrando,J. Figiel,B. Foster,G. Gach,A. Garfagnini,A. Geiser,A. Gizhko,L. K. Gladilin,O. Gogota,Yu. A. Golubkov,J. Grebenyuk,I. Gregor,G. Grzelak,O. Gueta,M. Guzik,W. Hain,G. Hartner,D. Hochman,R. Hori,Z. A. Ibrahim,Y. Iga,M. Ishitsuka,A. Iudin,F. Januschek,I. Kadenko,S. Kananov,T. Kanno,U. Karshon,M. Kaur,P. Kaur,L. A. Khein,D. Kisielewska,R. Klanner,U. Klein,N. Kondrashova,O. Kononenko,Ie. Korol,I. A. Korzhavina,A. Kotanski,U. Kötz,N. Kovalchuk,H. Kowalski, O. Kuprash,M. Kuze,B. B. Levchenko,A. Levy,V. Libov, S. Limentani,M. Lisovyi,E. Lobodzinska,W. Lohmann,B. Löhr,E. Lohrmann,A. Longhin,D. Lontkovskyi, O. Yu. Lukina,J. Maeda,I. Makarenko, J. Malka,J. F. Martin,S. Mergelmeyer,F. Mohamad Idris, K. Mujkic,V. Myronenko,K. Nagano, A. Nigro,T. Nobe,D. Notz,R. J. Nowak,K. Olkiewicz,Yu. Onishchuk,E. Paul,W. Perlanski,H. Perrey,N. S. Pokrovskiy,A. S. Proskuryakov,M. Przybycien,A. Raval,P. Roloff,I. Rubinsky,M. Ruspa,V. Samojlov,D. H. Saxon,M. Schioppa,W. B. Schmidke,U. Schneekloth,T. Schörner-Sadenius,J. Schwartz,L. M. Shcheglova,R. Shevchenko,O. Shkola,I. Singh,I. O. Skillicorn,W. Slominski,V. Sola,A. Solano,A. Spiridonov,L. Stanco,N. Stefaniuk,A. Stern,T. P. Stewart,P. Stopa,J. Sztuk-Dambietz,D. Szuba,J. Szuba,E. Tassi,T. Temiraliev,K. Tokushuku,J. Tomaszewska,A. Trofymov,V. Trusov,T. Tsurugai,M. Turcato,O. Turkot,T. Tymieniecka,A. Verbytskyi,O. Viazlo,R. Walczak,W. A. T. Wan Abdullah,K. Wichmann,M. Wing,G. Wolf,S. Yamada,Y. Yamazaki,N. Zakharchuk,A. F. Żarnecki,L. Zawiejski,O. Zenaiev,B. O. Zhautykov,N. Zhmak,D. S. Zotkin

˜The œJournal of high energy physics/˜The œjournal of high energy physics(2014)

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The photoproduction of D ∗± mesons has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA at three different ep centre-of-mass energies, \( \sqrt{s} \), of 318, 251 and 225 GeV. For each data set, D ∗± mesons were required to have transverse momentum, p T D ∗ , and pseudo-rapidity, η D∗, in the ranges 1.9 < p T D ∗ < 20 GeV and |η D∗| < 1.6. The events were required to have a virtuality of the incoming photon, Q 2, of less than 1 GeV2. The dependence on \( \sqrt{s} \) was studied by normalising to the high-statistics measurement at \( \sqrt{s}=318 \) GeV. This led to the cancellation of a number of systematic effects both in data and theory. Predictions from next-to-leading-order QCD describe the \( \sqrt{s} \) dependence of the data well.
Lepton-Nucleon Scattering,QCD,Heavy quark production,Charm physics
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