Wilbur B. Amand,Neil J. Anderson,Robert D. Angus,Marianne Ash,Mark W. Atkinson, Daniel R. Baca,Scott C. Bender, Warren Bluntzer,Charles S. Brown, Kristina Brunjes, Scott W. Bugai, Erika A. Butler,Robert A. Cook,Walter E. Cook,Joseph L. Corn,Todd Cornish, Daniel T. Crowell,Donald S. Davis,Thomas J. DeLiberto,Leslie A. Dierauf,Mark L. Drew, Tim J. Feldner,Bob Frost,Frank D. Galey,Robert F. Gerlach,Paul Gibbs,Colin M. Gillin,Linda Glaser, Dean Goeldner,Greg N. Hawkins,Donald E. Hoenig,Sam D. Holland,David L. Hunter, Sherman W. Jack,Kevin Keel,Susan J. Keller, Karl G. Kinsel,Patrice N. Klein, Terry L. Klick,Terry J. Kreeger, Jim R. Logan,Phillip M. Mamer,Kristin Mansfield, Chuck E. Massengill, Leslie A. McFarlane,Robert G. McLean,Daniel G. Mead,Robert M. Meyer,Michael W. Miller,Michele A. Miller,Pauline Nol,Mitchell V. Palmer, Glenn E. Plumb, Michael R. Pruitt,Thomas J. Roffe,Emi K. Saito,Shawn P. Schafer, Sarah B. S. Shapiro, WI Hurley,Jonathan M. Sleeman,David E. Stallknecht, Joe Starcher,Cynthia M. Tate,Cleve Tedford, Robert M. S. Temple,Charles O. Thoen, Kenneth Waldrup,Diana L. Whipple, Dave Whittlesey,Margaret A. Wild,Richard D. Willer,David W. Winters, Cindy B. Wolf, Jill Bryar,Taylor H. Woods,Scott D. Wright, Martin A. Zaluski,Glen L. Zebarth msra(1993)
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