
Chip-To-Chip Interconnects Based On 3d Stacking Of Opto-Electrical Dies On Si

Proceedings of SPIE(2012)

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We demonstrate a new approach to increase the optical interconnection bandwidth density by stacking the opto-electrical dies directly on the CMOS driver. The suggested implementation is aiming to provide a wafer scale process which will make the use of wire bonding redundant and will allow for impedance matched metallic wiring between the electronic driving circuit and its opto-electronic counter part. We suggest the use of a thick photoresist ramp between CMOS driver and opto-electrical dies surface as the bridge for supporting co-plannar waveguides (CPW) electrically plated with lithographic accuracy. In this way all three dimensions of the interconnecting metal layer, width, length and thickness can be completely controlled. In this 1st demonstration all processing is done on commercially available devices and products, and is compatible with CMOS processing technology.To test the applicability of CPW instead of wire bonds for interconnecting the CMOS circuit and opto-electronic chips, we have made test samples and tested their performance at speeds up to 10 Gbps. In this demonstration, a silicon substrate was used on which we evaporated gold co-planar waveguides (CPW) to mimic a wire on the driver. An optical link consisting of a VCSEL chip and a photodiode chip has been assembled and fully characterized using optical coupling into and out of a multimode fiber (MMF). A 10 Gb/s 2(7)-1 NRZ PRBS signal transmitted from one chip to another chip was detected error free. A 4 dB receiver sensitivity penalty is measured for the integrated device compared to a commercial link.
optics in computing, optical interconnects, 3D integration
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