Status and Phylogenetic Analyses of Endemic Birds of the Himalayan Region

M. L. Thakur, Vineet Negi

Pakistan journal of zoology(2015)

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Status and distribution of 35 species of birds endemic to Himalayas has been analysed during the present effort. Of these, relatively very high percentage i.e. 46% (16 species) is placed under different threat categories. Population of 24 species (74%) is decreasing. A very high percentage of these Himalayan endemics (88%) are dependent on forests. Population size of most of these bird species (22 species) is not known. Population size of some bird species is very small. Distribution area size of some of the species is also very small. Three species of endemic birds viz., Callacanthis burtoni Pyrrhula aurantiaca and Pnoepyga immaculata appear to have followed some independent evolutionary lineage and also remained comparatively stable over the period of time. Three different evolutionary clades of the endemic bird species have been observed on the basis of phylogenetic tree analyses. Analyses of length of branches of the phylogenetic tree showed that the three latest entries in endemic bird fauna of Himalayan region i.e. Catreus wallichii, Lophophorus sclateri and Tragopan blythii have been categorised as vulnerable and therefore need the highest level of protection.
Endemic birds,Himalayan region,conservation status,phylogeny
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