
Measurement of the Decay Amplitudes and Branching Fractions Ofb→j/ψk*and

Colin Jessop,K. Lingel,H. Marsiske,М. Перл,S. F. Schaffner,D. Ugolini,R. Wang,Xiang Zhou,T. E. Coan,V. Fadeyev,I. Korolkov,Yurii Maravin,I. Narsky,V. Shelkov,J. Staeck,R. Stroynowski,Igor Volobouev,J. Ye,M. Artuso,A. Efimov,F. Frasconi,M. Gao,M. Goldberg,D. He,S. Köpp,G. C. Moneti,R. Mountain,Y. Mukhin,S. Schuh,T. Skwarnicki,S. Stone,Georg Viehhauser,X. Xing,J. Bartelt,S. E. Csorna,V. Jain,S. Márka,A. Freyberger,R. Godang,K. Kinoshita,I. C. Lai,P. Pomianowski,S. Schrenk,G. Bonvicini,D. Cinabro,R. Greene,L. P. Perera,B. C. Barish,M. Chadha,S. Chan,G. Eigen,J. S. Miller,C. P. O’Grady, M. Śchmidtler,J. Urheim,A. J. Weinstein,Frank Würthwein,D. M. Asner,Daniel W. Bliss,W. S. Brower,G. Masek,H. P. Paar,V. Sharma,J. Gronberg,R. Kutschke,D. J. Lange,S. Menary,R. J. Morrison,H. N. Nelson,T. K. Nelson,C. F. Qiao,J. D. Richman,D. A. Roberts,A. Rýd,M. S. Witherell,R. Balest,B. H. Behrens,K. Cho,W. T. Ford,H. Park,P. Rankin,J. Roy,J. G. Smith,James Alexander,C. Bebek,B. E. Berger,K. Berkelman,K. Bloom,D. G. Cassel,H. A. Cho,D. M. Coffman,D. S. Crowcroft,M. Dickson,P. S. Drell,K. M. Ecklund,R. Ehrlich,R. Elia,A. D. Foland,P. Gaidarev,B. Gittelman, S. W. Gray, D. L. Hartill, B. K. Heltsley, P. I. Hopman, J. Kandaswamy, N. Katayama, P. C. Kim, D. L. Kreinick, T. Lee, Y. Liu, G. S. Ludwig, J. Masui, J. Mevissen, N. B. Mistry, C. R. Ng, E. Nordberg, M. Ogg, J. R. Patterson, D. Peterson, D. Riley,A. Soffer, C. P. Ward, M. Athanas,Paul Avery, C. D. Jones, M. Lohner, C. Prescott,S. B. Yang, J. Yelton, J. P. Zheng, G. Brandenburg,R. A. Briere, Y. S. Gao, D. Y.J. Kim,Richard Wilson,H. Yamamoto,T. E. Browder, F. Li, Y. Li, J. L. Rodriguez, T. Bergfeld, B. I. Eisenstein, J. Ernst, G. E. Gladding, G. D. Gollin, R. M. Hans, E. Johnson, I. Karliner, M. A. Marsh, M. Palmer, M. Selen, J. J. Thaler, K. W. Edwards,Alain Bellerive, R. Janicek, D. B. Mac Farlane, K. W. Mc Lean, P. M. Patel, A. J. Sadoff, R. Ammar, P. Baringer,A. Bean, D. Besson, D. Coppage, C. Darling, R. Davis, N. Hancock, S. Kotov,Ilya Kravchenko, N. Kwak, S. Anderson, Y. Kubota, M. Lattery,J. J. O’Neill, S. Patton, R. Poling, T. Riehle, V. Savinov,Alexander Smith, M. S. Alam, S. B. Athar, Z. Ling,A. H. Mahmood, H. Severini, S. Timm, F. R. Wappler, A. Anastassov, S. Blinov, J. E. Duboscq, K. D. Fisher, D. Fujino, R. Fulton, K. K. Gan, T. Hart, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, R. Kass, J. Lee, M. B. Spencer, M. Sung,Alexander Undrus, R. Wanke, A. Wolf, M. M. Zoeller, B. Nemati, S. J. Richichi, W. R. Ross, P. Skubic, M. Wood, M. Bishai,J. Fast, E. Gerndt, J. W. Hinson, N. Menon,David Miller, E. I. Shibata,Ian Peter Joseph Shipsey, M. Yurko, L. Gibbons, S. D. Johnson,Y.-J. Kwon, S. Roberts, E. H. Thorndike

Physical review letters(1997)

引用 23|浏览7
Using data taken with the CLEO II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring, we present the first full angular analysis in the color-suppressed modes B0→J/ψK*0 and B+→J/ψK*+. This leads to a complete determination of the decay amplitudes of these modes including the longitudinal polarization γL/γ=0.52±0.07±0.04 and the P wave component |P|2=0.16±0.08±0.04. In addition, we update the branching fractions for B→J/ψK and B→J/ψK∗.Received 24 February 1997DOI:©1997 American Physical Society
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