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PT111 Dobutamine Improves Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Global heart(2014)

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This cohort study aimed to evaluate the outcome of a hypothesis to use higher level for epidural catheter insertion and activation when an epidural tap was encountered at a lower level during epidural analgesia for labor pain.Epidural analgesia for labor pain was conducted using a mixture of 0.125% bupivacaine and fentanyl 5 μg/ml (10–15 ml) in 5-ml increments and maintained using continuous epidural infusion of 0.125% bupivacaine and fentanyl 2 μg/ml at rate of (5–15 ml/h), subsequently adjusted according to the patients needs. All cases had accidental dural puncture (ADP) were managed immediately with re-insertion of the needle at a higher level and completion of the procedure and maintained using continuous epidural infusion of 0.0625% bupivacaine and fentanyl 2 μg/ml at rate of (6–12 ml/h) for 24 h after delivery. Postpartum follow-up was conducted for 30 days to comment on the occurrence and severity of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH). All patients developed PDPH were followed daily until resolution of their headache.About 4800 parturient were enrolled in the study, ADP occurred in 24 patients with a frequency of 0.5%. All cases were immediately managed by re-insertion of the needle at a higher level and the procedure was successfully completed without new dural puncture, with 100% re-insertion success rate, and patients were maintained on continuous epidural infusion for 24 h. Throughout 30-day follow-up; only six of 24 patients developed PDPH with a success rate of re-insertion procedure as a prophylactic modality for PDPH after ADP of 75%. PDPH was relieved with bed rest, liberal fluids and paracetamol for 4 days in four patients, while the 5th patient continued to complain but the patient refused to undergo epidural blood patch (EBP) and headache started to subside and patient stopped to complain by the 10th day, and the last patient agreed to undergo EBP; and headache was relived immediately after 2 h.It could be concluded that re-insertion of epidural catheter at higher level of accidental dural puncture with epidural continuous infusion for 24 h could be considered as an efficient prophylactic modality to safe guard against PDPH with success rate of 75% and minimizes its severity if occurred.
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