Students Frequently Ask: 'Yes But...What Is The Utility Of Physics?'

Araceli Garcia-Yeguas, Carlos J. Gonzalez, Agueda Vazquez, Manuel Pinero,Jose L. Cardenas,Maria L. De La Rosa,Juan J. Munoz-Perez


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Two Teaching Innovation Projects were carried out in the framework of the subjects 'Physics I' and 'Physics I1f'or different Degrees on Engineering at the Engineering High School of the University of Cadiz, Spain, during the 2013-2014 course. The aim of these Projects was to catch the interest of first-course students on physical phenomena and principles, a matter frequently considered as 'difficult' or even ' boring' for them when it is approached from an excessively formal scope. The methodology of the two Projects was based on experiments of Recreational Physics, different toys and devices, and other resources as posters, books and online contents. The Projects were conducted during Theory, Laboratory, and Online classes of Physics I and II, and their results were evaluated from questionnaires to the students. Main conclusions derived from them were: i) a significant increment on the interest of students on Physics and Science; ii) the aim of students for learning more about this kind of recreational physical experiments; and iii) a general sensation of enjoying the study and analysis of physical phenomena by students -and teachers as well-. In addition, students manifested their interest in this methodology to be applied to other Engineering subjects of their Degrees.
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Key words
Innovation,Teaching,Recreational Experiments,Physics
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