
Mirror therapy for severely affected ankle joints of stroke patients

Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science(2011)

引用 9|浏览2
Wada Y, Kondo I, Sonoda S, Yamada K, Narukawa A, Kawakami K, Nonoyama S, Miyasaka H, Teranishi T, Nagai S, Takeshima N: Mirror therapy for severely affected ankle joints of stroke patients. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2011; 2: 71-76.Objective: This study investigated the improvement in dorsiflexion of severely affected ankle joints of first-stroke patients after mirror therapy.Methods: Nine first-stroke patients participated in this study. A mirror was placed to reflect the non-paralyzed lower limb. A set of 50 dorsiflexion movements of the ankle joint was performed 4 times a day for 7 days. Foot functions of the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS-F) and the foot-floor angle at active dorsiflexion were measured every 7 days starting from 14 days before initiation of the mirror therapy training to 7 days after, for a total of 5 times.Results: SIAS-F did not differ among the cases before mirror therapy training. After the mirror therapy training, 5 of the 9 patients showed SIAS-F improvement. Significant differences were found between the scores at the beginning and at the end of the mirror therapy training, and between the scores at the beginning and 7 days after training. The mean foot-floor angle changed from 0 degrees at the beginning of training to 3.0 degrees at the end of training and 1.2 degrees 7 days after the training; however, these values did not differ significantly.Conclusion: Significant improvement in dorsiflexion of the ankle joint, as measured by SIAS-F, was achieved with mirror therapy.
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