Detection Accuracy Comparison Between the High Frequency and Low Frequency SSVEP-Based BCIs

The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and SystemsLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering(2014)

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Steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) based brain-computer interface (BCI) is frequently discussed in recent years for its potential benefits to the disabled person, and some works using high frequency stimulus have been launched for the past few years. In these works, only one or a few special electrodes were selected as the signal electrode. In this work, all electrodes are used as the signal electrode, and it is found that, although the absolute amplitude of high frequency SSVEP is weaker than that of low frequency SSVEP, there is no significant difference of the relative amplitude between the high frequency and low frequency SSVEP, which leads to a similar detection accuracy of them.
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Steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP), Brain-computer interface (BCI), High frequency stimulus, Low frequency stimulus
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