
Effectiveness of Kindergarten Design in Malaysia

Procedia social & behavioral sciences(2015)

引用 21|浏览11
This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of kindergarten design in promoting early childhood development before embarking further in the education system in Malaysia. It also aims to investigate the problems that kindergartens today are facing while using this as a basic guideline to foster better kindergarten design in the future. Past studies had shown kindergarten design on three main aspects involving architectural elements, geographical considerations and technical aspects. However, to date, there are no research done to determine the best design approach deem fit for the user; the kindergarten children, in Malaysia. This paper is vital as education plays an important role not only concerning individual involved in the kindergarten premise, but also responding to Malaysia's national agenda on education as early from 1957 till present. Kindergarten is known to play this role in providing the most basic and fundamental education system before children step into a more formal education program such as the primary and secondary schools. This research will be conducted using case study approach as outlined by Yin (2003) and data collection will draw attention to two typologies of kindergartens; single dwelling kindergarten and shop lot kindergarten. Direct observation will be adopted for analysis on these two case studies with regards to four environment stimuli; movements, comfort, competence and control. This paper is of benefit not only to policy makers, designers, and educators, but it will also be of importance in promoting better education system in response to Malaysia's national agenda in its quest to produce better nation and brighter future.
Effective kindergarten design,quality education,single dwelling kindergarten,shop lot kindergarten
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