Fast cooling of (non)-nucleated virgin and recycled poly(propylenes): Effect of processing conditions on structural and mechanical properties

Thermochimica Acta(2015)

Cited 5|Views9
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•The effect of cooling rate and pressure on the structure and properties for (non-) nucleated i-PP was investigated.•The nucleated and non-nucleated i-PP originated from virgin and recycled sources.•Under ambient pressure and fast cooling the mesomorphic phase was formed as confirmed by WAXD.•Nucleated samples form more γ-phase and less mesomorphic phase.•At high cooling rates, the yield stress is reduced leading to stable deformation and a ductile behavior for recycled i-PP.
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Key words
Fast scanning calorimetry,Dilatometry,Isotactic poly(propylene),Mechanical recycling,Nucleating agents,Mechanical properties,Polymer processing,Structure–property relationships,Polymorphism
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