Improved limits on B^{0} decays to invisible (+γ) final states

J P Lees,V Poireau,V Tisserand,J Garra Tico,E Grauges,A Palano,G Eigen,B Stugu, D J A Brown,L T Kerth,Yu G Kolomensky,G Lynch,H Koch, T Schroeder,D J Asgeirsson,C Hearty,T S Mattison,J A Mckenna,R So, A H Khan,V E Blinov,A R Buzykaev,V P Druzhinin,V S Golubev,E A Kravchenko,A P Onuchin,S I Serednyakov,Yu I Skovpen,E P Solodov,K Todyshev,A N Yushkov,M Bondioli,D Kirkby,A J Lankford,M Mandelkern,H Atmacan, J W Gary,Feng Liu,O Long,G M Vitug,C Campagnari,Tseming Hong,D Kovalskyi,J D Richman, C A West,A M Eisner, J Kroseberg,W S Lockman,Alfonso Tarazona Martinez,B A Schumm,A Seiden,Dayyu Chao,Chingyu Cheng,B Echenard,K T Flood,D G Hitlin,P Ongmongkolkul,F C Porter,A Y Rakitin,R Andreassen,Z Huard,B T Meadows,M D Sokoloff, Liguang Sun,P C Bloom,W T Ford,A Gaz,U Nauenberg,J R Smith, S R Wagner,R Ayad, W H Toki,B Spaan,K R Schubert,R Schwierz,D Bernard,M Verderi,P J Clark,S Playfer,D Bettoni,C Bozzi,R Calabrese,G Cibinetto,E Fioravanti,I Garzia,E Luppi,M Munerato,L Piemontese,V Santoro,R Baldiniferroli,A Calcaterra,R De Sangro,G Finocchiaro,P Patteri,I M Peruzzi,M Piccolo,M Rama,A Zallo,R Contri,E Guido,M Lo Vetere,M R Monge,S Passaggio, C Patrignani,E Robutti,B Bhuyan, Vinay Prasad,C Lee,M Morii,A J Edwards,A Adametz,U Uwer,H M Lacker,T Lueck,P D Dauncey,U Mallik,C Chen,J Cochran,W T Meyer,S Prell,A E Rubin,A V Gritsan,Zaiping Guo,N Arnaud,M Davier,D Derkach,G Grosdidier,F Le Diberder,A M Lutz,B Malaescu,P Roudeau,M H Schune,A Stocchi,G Wormser,D Lange, D A Wright,C A Chavez,J P Coleman,J R Fry,E Gabathuler,D E Hutchcroft,D J Payne,C Touramanis,A J Bevan,F Di Lodovico,R Sacco,M Sigamani,G Cowan,C Davis,A G Denig,M Fritsch,W Gradl, K Griessinger, Arthur W Hafner,E Prencipe, Richard E Barlow, G L Jackson,G D Lafferty,E Behn,R Cenci,B Hamilton,A Jawahery,Dianna B Roberts,C Dallapiccola,R Cowan,D Dujmic,G Sciolla,R Cheaib,D Lindemann,P M Patel,S H Robertson, P Biassoni,N Neri,F Palombo,S Stracka,L Cremaldi,R Godang,R Kroeger,P Sonnek,D J Summers, Xuanlan Nguyen,M Simard,P Taras,G De Nardo,D Monorchio,G Onorato,C Sciacca,M Martinelli,G Raven,C P Jessop,J M Losecco,W Wang,K Honscheid,R Kass,J Brau,R Frey,N B Sinev,Derek Strom,E Torrence,E Feltresi,N Gagliardi,M Margoni,M Morandin,M Posocco,M Rotondo,G Simi,F Simonetto,R Stroili,S Akar,E Benhaim,M Bomben,G R Bonneaud, H Briand,G Calderini,J Chauveau,O Hamon,Ph Leruste,G Marchiori,J Ocariz,S Sitt,M Biasini,R Covarelli,E Manoni,S Pacetti,A M Rossi, C Angelini,G Batignani,S Bettarini,M Carpinelli,G Casarosa,A Cervelli,F Forti,M A Giorgi,A Lusiani,B Oberhof,E Paoloni,A Perez,G Rizzo,James E Walsh,D Lopes Pegna,James Olsen,A J S Smith,A V Telnov,F Anulli,R Faccini,F Ferrarotto,F Ferroni,M Gaspero,L Li Gioi,M A Mazzoni,G Piredda,C Bunger,O Grunberg,T Hartmann,T Leddig,Heiko Schroder,C Voss, R Waldi,T Adye,E O Olaiya,F F Wilson,S Emery,G Hamel De Monchenault,G Vasseur,Ch Yeche,D Aston,D J Bard,R Bartoldus,J F Benitez,C Cartaro, M E Convery,J Dorfan,G P Duboisfelsmann,W Dunwoodie,M Ebert,R D Field,M Franco Sevilla, B G Fulsom,A M Gabareen,M T Graham,P Grenier,C Hast,W R Innes,M H Kelsey,Philip Kim,M L Kocian,D W G S Leith,Peter A W Lewis,B Lindquist,S Luitz,V Luth,Henry T Lynch, D B Macfarlane,David A Muller,H A Neal, Sidney D Nelson,M Perl,T Pulliam,B N Ratcliff,A Roodman,A A Salnikov,R H Schindler,A Snyder, D Su,M K Sullivan,J Va Vra,A Wagner,W J Wisniewski,M Wittgen,H W Wulsin,C Young,V Ziegler,Won Park,M V Purohit,R M White,J A Wilson,A Randleconde,S J Sekula,M Bellis,P R Burchat,T S Miyashita, E M T Puccio,M A Alam,J Ernst,R Gorodeisky,N Guttman,D R Peimer,A Soffer, Pamela J Lund,S M Spanier,J L Ritchie,A M Ruland,R F Schwitters,B C Wray,J M Izen,X Lou,F Bianchi,D Gamba,S Zambito,L Lanceri,L Vitale,F Martinezvidal,A Oyanguren,H A Ahmed,J Albert,Sw Banerjee,F U Bernlochner,Hyunsoo Choi,Gary King,R Kowalewski,M J Lewczuk,I M Nugent,J M Roney,R Sobie,N Tasneem,T Gershon,P F Harrison,T E Latham,H R Band,S Dasu,Y Pan,R Prepost, S Wu

Physical Review D(2012)

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We establish improved upper limits on branching fractions for B-0 decays to final states where the decay products are purely invisible (i.e., no observable final state particles) and for final states where the only visible product is a photon. Within the Standard Model, these decays have branching fractions that are below the current experimental sensitivity, but various models of physics beyond the Standard Model predict significant contributions for these channels. Using 471 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance by the BABAR experiment at the PEP-II e(+)e(-) storage ring at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, we establish upper limits at the 90% confidence level of 2.4 x 10(-5) for the branching fraction of B-0 -> invisible and 1.7 x 10(-5) for the branching fraction of B-0 -> invisible + gamma.
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