Measurement of D Sigma/Dy for High Mass Drell-Yan E(+)E(-) Pairs from P(P)Over-Bar Collisions at Root S=1.8 Tev

T Affolder,H Akimoto,A Akopian,MG Albrow,P Amaral, SR Amendolia,D Amidei,K Anikeev,J Antos,G Apollinari, T Arisawa,T Asakawa,W Ashmanskas,M Atac,F Azfar,P Azzi-Bacchetta,N Bacchetta,MW Bailey, S Bailey,P de Barbaro,A Barbaro-Galtieri,VE Barnes,BA Barnett,M Barone,G Bauer,F Bedeschi,S Belforte,G Bellettini,J Bellinger,D Benjamin,J Bensinger,A Beretvas,JP Berge,J Berryhill,B Bevensee,A Bhatti,M Binkley,D Bisello,RE Blair,C Blocker,K Bloom,B Blumenfeld, SR Blusk,A Bocci,A Bodek,W Bokhari,G Bolla,Y Bonushkin,D Bortoletto,J Boudreau,A Brandl,S van den Brink,C Bromberg,M Brozovic,N Bruner,E Buckley-Geer,J Budagov,HS Budd,K Burkett,G Busetto,A Byon-Wagner,KL Byrum,P Calafiura,M Campell, W Carithers,J Carlson,D Carlsmith,J Cassada,A Castro,D Cauz,A Cerri,AW Chan,PS Chang,PT Chang,J Chapman,C Chen,YC Chen,MT Cheng,M Chertok,G Chiarelli,I Chirikov-Zorin,G Chlachidze,F Chlebana,L Christofek, ML Chu,YS Chung,CI Ciobanu,AG Clark,A Connolly,J Conway,J Cooper,M Cordelli,J Cranshaw,D Cronin-Hennessy,R Cropp,R Culbertson,D Dagenhart,F DeJongh,S Dell'Agnello,M Dell'Orso,R Demina,L Demortier,M Deninno,PF Derwent,T Devlin, JR Dittmann,S Donati,J Done,T Dorigo,N Eddy,K Einsweiler,JE Elias,E Engels,W Erdmann,D Errede,S Errede,Q Fan,RG Feild,C Ferretti,RD Field,I Fiori,B Flaugher,GW Foster,M Franklin,J Freeman,J Friedman,Y Fukui,I Furic,S Galeotti,M Gallinaro, T Gao,M Garcia-Sciveres,AF Garfinkel,P Gatti,C Gay,S Geer,DW Gerdes,P Giannetti, P Giromini, V Glagolev,M Gold,J Goldstein,A Gordon,AT Goshaw,Y Gotra,K Goulianos,C Green,L Groer,C Grosso-Pilcher,M Guenther,G Guillian,JG da Costa, RS Guo,RM Haas,C Haber,E Hafen, SR Hahn,C Hall,T Handa, R Handler,W Hao,F Happacher,K Hara,AD Hardman, RM Harris,F Hartmann,K Hatakeyama,J Hauser,J Heinrich,A Heiss,M Herndon,B Hinrichsen,KD Hoffman,C Holck,R Hollebeek,L Holloway,R Hughes,J Huston,J Huth,H Ikeda,J Incandela,G Introzzi,J Iwai,Y Iwata,E James,H Jensen, M Jones,U Joshi, H Kambara,T Kamon,T Kaneko,K Karr, H Kasha,Y Kato,TA Keaffaber,K Kelley,M Kelly,RD Kennedy,R Kephart,D Khazins,T Kikuchi,B Kilminster, M Kirby,M Kirk,BJ Kim, DH Kim,HS Kim,MJ Kim,SH Kim,YK Kim,L Kirsch,S Klimenko,P Koehn, A Kongeter,K Kondo,J Konigsberg,K Kordas,A Korn,A Korytov,E Kovacs,J Kroll,M Kruse,SE Kuhlmann,K Kurino,T Kuwabara,AT Laasanen,N Lai,S Lami,S Lammel,JI Lamoureux,M Lancaster,G Latino,T LeCompte,AM Lee, K Lee,S Leone,JD Lewis,M Lindgren,TM Liss, JB Liu,YC Liu,N Lockyer,J Loken,M Loreti,D Lucchesi,P Lukens,S Lusin,L Lyons,J Lys,R Madrak,K Maeshima,P Maksimovic,L Malferrari,M Mangano,M Mariotti,G Martignon,A Martin,JAJ Matthews,J Mayer,P Mazzanti,KS McFarland,P McIntyre,E McKigney,M Menguzzato,A Menzione,C Mesropian,A Meyer,T Miao,R Miller,JS Miller,H Minato,S Miscetti,M Mishina,G Mitselmakher,N Moggi, E Moore,R Moore, Y Morita,M Mulhearn,A Mukherjee,T Muller,A Munar,P Murat,S Murgia,M Musy,J Nachtman,S Nahn,H Nakada,T Nakaya,I Nakano,C Nelson,D Neuberger,C Newman-Holmes, CYP Ngan,P Nicolaidi,H Niu,L Nodulman,A Nomerotski,SH Oh,T Ohmoto,T Ohsugi,R Oishi,T Okusawa,J Olsen,W Orejudos,C Pagliarone,F Palmonari,R Paoletti, V Papadimitriou,SP Pappas,D Partos,J Patrick, G Pauletta,M Paulini,C Paus,L Pescara,TJ Phillips, G Piacentino, KT Pitts,R Plunkett,A Pompos,L Pondrom,G Pope,M Popovic,F Prokoshin,J Proudfoot,F Ptohos,O Pukhov,G Punzi,K Ragan,A Rakitine, D Reher,A Reichold,W Riegler,A Ribon,F Rimondi,L Ristori,WJ Robertson,A Robinson,T Rodrigo,S Rolli, L Rosenson,R Roser,R Rossin,A Safonov,WK Sakumoto,D Saltzberg,A Sansoni,L Santi, H Sato,P Savard,P Schlabach,EE Schmidt,MP Schmidt,M Schmitt,L Scodellaro, A Scott,A Scribano,S Segler,S Seidel,Y Seiya,A Semenov,F Semeria,T Shah,MD Shapiro,PF Shepard,T Shibayama,M Shimojima,M Shochet, J Siegrist,G Signorelli,A Sill,P Sinervo,P Singh,AJ Slaughter,K Sliwa,C Smith, FD Snider,A Solodsky,J Spalding,T Speer,P Sphicas,F Spinella,M Spiropulu,L Spiegel,J Steele,A Stefanini,J Strologas,F Strumia,D Stuart,K Sumorok,T Suzuki,T Takano, R Takashima,K Takikawa,P Tamburello,M Tanaka,B Tannenbaum,W Taylor,M Tecchio,PK Teng,K Terashi, S Tether,D Theriot,R Thurman-Keup,P Tipton,S Tkaczyk,K Tollefson,A Tollestrup,H Toyoda,W Trischuk,JF de Troconiz,J Tseng,N Turini,F Ukegawa,T Vaiciulis,J Valls,S Vejcik,G Velev,R Vidal,R Vilar,I Volobouev,D Vucinic,RG Wagner,RL Wagner,J Wahl,NB Wallace,AM Walsh,C Wang,CH Wang,MJ Wang, T Watanabe,D Waters,T Watts,R Webb,H Wenzel,WC Wester,AB Wicklund,E Wicklund,HH Williams, P Wilson, BT Winer,D Winn,S Wolbers,D Wolinski,J Wolinski,S Wolinski,S Worm,X Wu,J Wyss,A Yagil,W Yao,GP Yeh,P Yeh,J Yoh, C Yosef,T Yoshida,I Yu,S Yu, Z Yu,A Zanetti,F Zetti,S Zucchelli

Physical Review D(2001)

引用 23|浏览357
We report on the first measurement of the rapidity distribution d sigma /dy over nearly the entire kinematic region of rapidity for e(+)e(-) pairs in both the Z-boson region of 66 116 GeV/c(2). The data sample consists of 108 pb(-1) of p<(p)over bar> collisions at roots = 1.8 TeV taken by the Collider Detector at Fermilab during 1992-1995. The total cross section in the Z-boson region is measured to be 252+/-11 ph. The measured total cross section and d sigma /dy are compared with quantum chromodynamics calculations in leading and higher orders.
High-Energy Collider
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