
Direct Measurement of Backgrounds Using Reactor-off Data in Double Chooz

Y. Abe,C. Aberle,J. C. dos Anjos,J. C. Barriere,M. Bergevin,A. Bernstein,T. J. C. Bezerra,L. Bezrukhov,E. Blucher,N. S. Bowden,C. Buck,J. Busenitz,A. Cabrera,E. Caden,L. Camilleri,R. Carr,M. Cerrada,P. -J. Chang,P. Chimenti,T. Classen,A. P. Collin, E. Conover,J. M. Conrad,J. I. Crespo-Anadon,K. Crum,A. Cucoanes,M. V. D'Agostino,E. Damon,J. V. Dawson,S. Dazeley,D. Dietrich,Z. Djurcic,M. Dracos,V. Durand,J. Ebert,Y. Efremenko,M. Elnimr, A. Erickson, A. Etenko,M. Fallot,M. Fechner,F. von Feilitzsch,J. Felde,S. M. Fernandes,V. Fischer,D. Franco,A. J. Franke,M. Franke,H. Furuta,R. Gama,I. Gil-Botella,L. Giot, M. Goeger-Neff,L. F. G. Gonzalez,L. Goodenough,M. C. Goodman,J. T. M. Goon,D. Greiner,N. Haag,S. Habib,C. Hagner,T. Hara,F. X. Hartmann,J. Haser,A. Hatzikoutelis, T. Hayakawa,M. Hofmann,G. A. Horton-Smith,A. Hourlier,M. Ishitsuka,J. Jochum,C. Jollet,C. L. Jones,F. Kaether,L. N. Kalousis,Y. Kamyshkov,D. M. Kaplan,T. Kawasaki,G. Keefer,E. Kemp,H. de Kerret,Y. Kibe,T. Konno,D. Kryn,M. Kuze,T. Lachenmaier,C. E. Lane,C. Langbrandtner,T. Lasserre,A. Letourneau,D. Lhuillier,H. P. Lima,M. Lindner,J. M. Lopez-Castano,J. M. LoSecco,B. K. Lubsandorzhiev, S. Lucht,D. McKee, J. Maeda,C. N. Maesano,C. Mariani,J. Maricic,J. Martino, T. Matsubara,G. Mention,A. Meregaglia,M. Meyer,T. Miletic, R. Milincic,H. Miyata,Th. A. Mueller,Y. Nagasaka,K. Nakajima,P. Novella,M. Obolensky,L. Oberauer,A. Onillon,A. Osborn,I. Ostrovskiy,C. Palomares,I. M. Pepe,S. Perasso,P. Perrin,P. Pfahler,A. Porta,W. Potzel,G. Pronost,J. Reichenbacher,B. Reinhold,A. Remoto, M. Roehling,R. Roncin,S. Roth,B. Rybolt,Y. Sakamoto,R. Santorelli, F. Sato, S. Schoenert,S. Schoppmann,T. Schwetz,M. H. Shaevitz,S. Shimojima,D. Shrestha,J-L. Sida,V. Sinev,M. Skorokhvatov, E. Smith,J. Spitz,A. Stahl,I. Stancu,L. F. F. Stokes,M. Strait, A. Stueken,F. Suekane,S. Sukhotin,T. Sumiyoshi,Y. Sun,R. Svoboda,K. Terao,A. Tonazzo,M. Toups,H. H. Trinh Thi,G. Valdiviesso,C. Veyssiere,S. Wagner,H. Watanabe,B. White,C. Wiebusch,L. Winslow,M. Worcester,M. Wurm,F. Yermia,V. Zimmer

Physical review D Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology/Physical review D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology(2013)

引用 66|浏览70
Double Chooz is unique among modern reactor-based neutrino experiments studying (nu) over bar (e) disappearance in that data can be collected with all reactors off. In this paper, we present data from 7.53 days of reactor-off running. Applying the same selection criteria as used in the Double Chooz reactor-on oscillation analysis, a measured background rate of 1.0 +/- 0.4 events/day is obtained. The background model for accidentals, cosmogenic beta-n-emitting isotopes, fast neutrons from cosmic muons, and stopped-mu decays used in the oscillation analysis is demonstrated to be correct within the uncertainties. Kinematic distributions of the events, which are dominantly cosmic-ray-produced correlated-background events, are provided. The background rates are scaled to the shielding depths of two other reactor-based oscillation experiments, Daya Bay and RENO. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.011102
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