
[Aristolochic acid nephropathy ("Chinese herb nephropathy")].

Nephrologie & therapeutique(2015)

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Aristolochic acid nephropathy is a renal disease of toxic origin characterized by a progressive interstitial fibrosis and frequently associated with urinary tract cancer. It was initially reported in Belgium after the intake of slimming pills containing root extracts of a Chinese herb, Aristolochia fangchi. In the following decades, numerous cases have been reported worldwide, particularly in Asian countries. Several experimental models of aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) have been designed. They confirm the causal link between AA exposure and the onset of acute and chronic renal toxicity, as well as urinary tract cancer. These experimental models offer the opportunity to study the mechanisms of renal interstitial fibrosis and carcinogenesis. In terms of public health, the history of this nephropathy demonstrates that it is mandatory to submit all "natural medicinal products" to the same controls of efficacy, toxicity and conformity applied to the classical drugs derived from the pharmaceutical producers. Any unusual observation of renal failure and/or cancer of the urinary tract should lead to a questioning about any prior exposure to AA. The confirmation of the ingestion of AA containing compounds by phytochemical analysis is not always feasible. However, the renal biopsy remains a crucial diagnostic point through the demonstration of a hypocellular interstitial fibrosis with a decreasing corticomedullary gradient, mostly in advanced cases of kidney disease. Moreover, the detection of AA-related DNA adducts within a renal or urothelial tissue sample could confirm the prior AA exposure. The persistence of these specific DNA adducts in renal tissue is very long (up to 20 years). Finally, considering the highly carcinogenic properties of AA, a systematic endo-urological screening is absolutely necessary.
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