Overcoming Mutagenicity and Ion Channel Activity: Optimization of Selective Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors.
J. Michael Ellis,Michael D. Altman,Alan Bass,John W. Butcher,Alan J. Byford,Anthony Donofrio,Sheila Galloway,Andrew M. Haidle,James Jewell,Nancy Kelly,Erica K. Leccese,Sandra Lee,Matthew Maddess,J. Richard Miller,Lily Y. Moy,Ekundayo Osimboni, Riau D. Otte,M. Vijay Reddy,Kerrie Spencer, Binyuan Sun,Stella H. Vincent, Gwendolyn J. Ward, Grace H. C. Woo,Chiming Yang,Hani Houshyar,Alan B. Northrup Journal of Medicinal Chemistry(2015)
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