
Biochemical changes in Glomus fasciculatum colonized roots of Lycopersicon esculentum in presence of Meloidogyne incognita.

M Nagesh, P Parvatha Reddy

Indian journal of experimental biology(2004)

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Glasshouse experiments were conducted to elicit biochemical substantiation for the observed difference in resistance to nematode infection in roots colonized by mycorrhiza, and susceptibility of the fresh flush of roots of the same plant that escaped mycorrhizal colonization. Tomato roots were assayed for their biochemical profiles with respect to total proteins, total phenols, indole acetic acid, activities of polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and indole acetic acid oxidase. The roots of the same plant (one set) received Glomus fasciculatum and G. fasciculatum plus juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita separately; and half the roots of second set of plants received G. fasciculatum while the other half of roots did not receive any treatment. Roots colonized by G. fasciculatum recorded maximum contents of proteins and phenols followed by that of the roots that received G. fasciculatum plus M. incognita. However, IAA content was lowest in the roots that received mycorrhiza or mycorrhiza plus juveniles of root-knot nematode and correspondingly. Roots that received juveniles of root-knot nematode recorded maximum IAA content and per cent increase over healthy check and mycorrhiza-inoculated roots. The comparative assay on the activities of PPO, PAL and IAA oxidase enzymes in treated and healthy roots of tomato, indicated that PAL and IAA oxidase activities were maximum in G. fasciculatum colonized roots followed by the roots that received mycorrhiza plus juveniles of root-knot nematode, while the activity of PPO was minimum in these roots. The roots that received juveniles of root-knot nematode recorded minimum PAL and IAA oxidase activities and maximum PPO activity. Since the roots of same plant that received mycorrhiza and that did not receive mycorrhiza; and the plant that received nematode alone and mycorrhiza plus nematode recorded differential biochemical contents of proteins, total phenols and IAA, and differential activities of enzymes under study, it was evident that the biochemical defense response to mycorrhizal colonization against root-knot nematodes was localized and not systemic. This explained for the response of plant that differed in root galling due to nematode infection in presence of mycorrhizal colonization. The new or fresh roots which missed mycorrhizal colonization, got infected by nematodes and developed root galls.
meloidogyne incognita,glomus fasciculatum,lycopersicon esculentum,roots,biochemical changes
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