
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Benign Breast Disease. Markers of Apoptosis and Proliferation.


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Aim of the study was to compare the fine needle aspiration cytology findings of benign breast lesions with incidence of proliferation markers and apoptosis. This study included 37 patients with palpable breast lumps, referred for USG guided FNA. FNAC were prospectively classified as C2-benign, C4-suspicious of malignancy, and C5-malignant. The specimens were simultaneously stained for Ki-67, MPM2, Bcl2 and P53. The diagnoses in group-C2 were following: simple cyst, multiple cysts, simple cyst with apocrine metaplasia, inflammatory cyst, benign dysplasia (BD) and benign solid tumors. The final diagnoses, after histopathological verification, in cases of primary classification as C4 and C5 were as follow: proliferative fibroadenoma (FAp) and breas cancer, respectively. Great majority of C2/BD aspirates were negative for proliferative antigens Ki-67 and PCNA. These antigens were detected in part of benign solid tumors, as anticipated in suspicious solid tumor, and in all of cancer aspirates. Bcl-2 immunopositive cells were detected approximately in one quarter of C2/BD, nearly in half of C2 solid tumors and in one C4/FAp. Most of diagnosed specimens were P53-negative. Immunocytodetection of Ki67, MPM2, Bcl2, P53 might be promising, supportive method in the classification of benign breast lesions. FNAC increases the reliability of diagnosis when complemented by immunocytochemical staining. It could be helpful procedure of establishing more accurately the biology of these lesions and possibly serve as an essential factor in clinical follow-up. Nevertheless, further study on larger group of patients comparing cytological and histopathological diagnosis is required to estimate reliability of its predictive value.
benign breast disease,fine-needle aspiration,Ki-67,Bcl-2,p53,PCNA
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