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Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity is Not Regulated by Folic Acid in Vitro.

Nutrition(2013)SCI 3区

Univ Chile | Univ Santiago Chile

Cited 8|Views2
Objectives: Folate supplementation may be associated with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer and a derangement of immune function. Among the latter, Natural killer (NK) cells are involved in non-MHC-restricted natural immunity against malignant target cells. Abnormalities in NK cell number or function have been associated with a higher cancer risk. The aim of this study was to study in vitro the possible effect of different concentrations of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTHF) or folic acid on NK cell cytotoxic function, and expression of the stimulatory and inhibitory receptors KIRDL4, KIRDL3, and NKG2D.Methods: Volunteer-derived peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) and highly enriched NK cells (95% CD56+ CD16+) were grown in folic acid free-RPMI 1640, supplemented either with folic acid or 5-MTHF (15-100 nM) during 72 h to 96 h.Results: No differences in the cytolytic activity of PBMC and enriched NK cells were observed. After 96 h of in vitro culture without folate or supplemented with FA or 5-MTHF (30 or 100 nM), there were no changes in the percentage of HPNK receptor-positive cells.Conclusions: Our data indicate that a high dose of 5-MTHF or folic acid does not influence NK cell function in vitro. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Key words
Folic acid,Natural killer cells,KIRs
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方法】:使用志愿者来源的外周血单核细胞(PBMC)和高度富集的NK细胞(95% CD56+ CD16+),在无叶酸RPMI 1640培养基中添加不同浓度的叶酸或5-MTHF进行培养。

实验】:经过72至96小时培养,实验结果显示PBMC和富集的NK细胞在细胞裂解活性方面没有差异,且在无叶酸或添加叶酸或5-MTHF(30或100 nM)的培养条件下,HPNK受体阳性细胞的百分比没有变化。