
Smartphone Teleradiology Application Is Successfully Incorporated Into A Telestroke Network Environment


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Background and Purpose-ResolutionMD mobile application runs on a Smartphone and affords vascular neurologists access to radiological images of patients with stroke from remote sites in the context of a telemedicine evaluation. Although reliability studies using this technology have been conducted in a controlled environment, this study is the first to incorporate it into a -real--world hub and spoke telestroke network. The study objective was to assess the level of agreement of brain CT scan interpretation in a telestroke network between hub vascular neurologists using ResolutionMD, spoke radiologists using a Picture Archiving and Communications System, and independent adjudicators.Methods--Fifty--three patients with stroke at the spoke hospital consented to receive a telemedicine consultation and participate in a registry. Each CT was evaluated by a hub vascular neurologist, a spoke radiologist, and by blinded telestroke adjudicators, and agreement over clinically important radiological features was calculated.Results-Agreement (kappa and 95% CI) between hub vascular neurologists using ResolutionMD and (1) the spoke radiologist; and (2) independent adjudicators, respectively, were: identification of intracranial hemorrhage 1.0 (0.92-1.0), 1.0 (0.93-1.0), neoplasm 1.0 (0.92-1.0), 1.0 (0.93-1.0), any radiological contraindication to thrombolysis 1.0 (0.92-1.0), 0.85 (0.65-1.0), early ischemic changes 0.62 (0.28-0.96), 0.58 (0.30-0.86), and hyperdense artery sign 0.40 (0.01-0.80), 0.44 (0.06-0.81).Conclusions-CT head interpretations of telestroke network patients by vascular neurologists using ResolutionMD on Smartphones were in excellent agreement with interpretations by spoke radiologists using a Picture Archiving and Communications System and those of independent telestroke adjudicators using a desktop viewer.
computed tomography, mhealth, Smartphone, stroke, telemedicine, teleradiology, telestroke
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