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The Thai Anesthesia Incident Monitoring Study (thai AIMS): an Analysis of Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia/infarction.


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OBJECTIVES:To analyze the clinical course, outcome, contributing factors and factors minimizing the incidents of perioperative myocardial ischemia or infarction (PMI) from Thai AIMS study.MATERIAL AND METHOD:The present study was a prospective multicenter study. Data was collected from 51 hospitals in Thailand during a six-month period. The participating anesthesia provider completed the standardized incident report form of the Thai AIMS as soon as they found the PMI incident. Each incident was reviewed by three peer reviewers for clinical courses, contributing factors, outcome and minimizing factors of PMI.RESULTS:From the Thai AIMS incident report, the authors found 25 suspected PMI cases which was 0.9% of the 2,669 incidents reported in the present study. Most of the PMI occurred in elective cases (84%) and orthopedic procedures (56%). The majority of PMI was reported from the patients undergoing general anesthesia (72%). Suspected PMI occurred mostly during operations (56%). New ST-T segment change was detected in 92% of these patients. The most common immediate outcome of PMI was major physiological change (88%). The most common management effect of PMI was unplanned ICU admission (64%); the others were prolonged ventilatory support (12%) and prolonged hospital stay (16%). Four patients (16%) died after the suspected PMI. Most of the events occurred spontaneously and were unpreventable (80%). Patient factors (100%), anesthesia factors (72%), surgical factors (32%) and system factors (8%) were all judged as a precipitating factor for PMI. Human factors were the most common contributing factors which included poor preoperative evaluation, inexperience and improper decision. The three most common factors minimizing the adverse incidents included prior experienced, high awareness and experienced assistance. The recommended corrective strategies were guideline practice, quality assurance activity, improvement of supervision and additional training.CONCLUSION:Perioperative myocardial ischemia/infarction was infrequent but may be lethal. Patient factors were the most common precipitating cause. The morbidity and mortality could be reduced by high quality preoperative evaluation and preparation, early detection and appropriate treatment. Guideline practice, quality assurance activity, improvement of supervision and additional training were suggested corrective strategies.
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