
Autonomic nervous function in patients with peptic ulcer studied by spectral analysis of heart rate variability.

Journal of medicine(2001)

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This study is intended to clarify the relationship between occurrence of peptic ulcer disease and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. We studied heart rate variability and assessed the circadian rhythm of autonomic nervous function in 20 patients with peptic ulcer (PU group) and 20 age-matched healthy controls (N group) using 24-hour Holter monitoring. Moreover, the relationship between gastric juice secretion and autonomic activity was examined under intravenous injection of insulin or butylscopolamine in adult mongrel dogs. High frequency spectral (HF) power, an indicator of parasympathetic tone, was increased markedly at night in the PU group. Low frequency spectral (LF) power, an indicator of sympathetic tone modified by vagal tone, was higher during the day than at night in the N group, whereas this normal circadian rhythm of LF power disappeared in 11 cases (55%) in the PU group. In addition, the LF power was increased significantly at night (p<0.01) in the PU group. HF power and gastric juice secretion was increased by the administration of insulin. High sympatho-vagal tone at night may result in spasm of gastric arteries and excess secretion of gastric acid in the PU group. These results suggest that the nocturnal acceleration of LF, HF, and LF/HF is related to peptic ulcer diseases.
autonomic nervous function,peptic ulcer,heart rate variability,spectral analysis
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