
Excision of Trpv6 Gene Leads to Severe Defects in Epididymal Ca2+ Absorption and Male Fertility Much Like Single D541A Pore Mutation

Journal of biological chemistry/˜The œJournal of biological chemistry(2012)

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Replacement of aspartate residue 541 by alanine (D541A) in the pore of TRPV6 channels in mice disrupts Ca2+ absorption by the epididymal epithelium, resulting in abnormally high Ca2+ concentrations in epididymal luminal fluid and in a dramatic but incomplete loss of sperm motility and fertilization capacity, raising the possibility of residual activity of channels formed by TRPV6(D541A) proteins (Weissgerber, P., Kriebs, U., Tsvilovskyy, V., Olausson, J., Kretz, O., Stoerger, C., Vennekens, R., Wissen-bach, U., Middendorff, R., Flockerzi, V., and Freichel, M. (2011) Sci. Signal. 4, ra27). It is known from other cation channels that introducing pore mutations even if they largely affect their conductivity and permeability can evoke considerably different phenotypes compared with the deletion of the corresponding protein. Therefore, we generated TRPV6-deficient mice (Trpv6(-/-)) by deleting exons encoding transmembrane domains with the pore-forming region and the complete cytosolic C terminus harboring binding sites for TRPV6-associated proteins that regulate its activity and plasma membrane anchoring. Using this strategy, we aimed to determine whether the TRPV6(D541A) pore mutant still contributes to residual channel activity and/or channel-independent functions in vivo. Trpv6(-/-) males reveal severe defects in fertility and motility and viability of sperm and a significant increase in epididymal luminal Ca2+ concentration that is mirrored by a lack of Ca2+ uptake by the epididymal epithelium. Therewith, Trpv6 excision affects epididymal Ca2+ handling and male fertility to the same extent as the introduction of the D541A pore mutation, arguing against residual functions of the TRPV6(D541A) pore mutant in epididymal epithelial cells.
Calcium Signaling,Epididymis,Epithelium,Reproduction,TRP Channels,TRPV6 Channels,Epididymal Ca2+ Uptake,Gene Deletion,Hypofertility
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