A Retrospective Survey of Patients with One Previous Caesarean Section Delivered at the Port Moresby General Hospital: a Comparative Study of Those Delivered Vaginally and Those Delivered by Repeat Caesarean Section.

A B Amoa,C A Klufio, S Wat,G Kariwiga, A Mathias


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We studied 510 patients in a retrospective, nonrandomized, comparative survey of vaginal births and repeat caesarean section after one primary caesarean section at the Port Moresby General Hospital. 478 (94%) were allowed a trial of scar (TOS). The most common indications for elective caesarean section in the other 32 patients were cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) 31%, contracted pelvis 19% and preeclampsia 12.5%. In 41% of patients TOS was terminated by emergency caesarean section. Logistic regression analysis showed that the following were significantly associated with repeat caesarean section after TOS: parity of one, no vaginal birth after the primary caesarean section, narrow obstetric conjugate, birthweight of 2500 g or greater, short stature, high level of the head at admission to the labour ward and region of origin.
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