Fourth-degree burn of the brain from friction burn of scalp: an unusual injury from a golf cart.


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Intracranial injury has been reported secondary to not only blunt and penetrating trauma but also thermal and high-voltage electrical injury. Reconstruction can be challenging, especially in the face of necrosis of large areas of the cranium. The authors present a novel case of fourth-degree thermal burn to the head caused by a rotating tire. Initial wound debridement exposed dura, prompting a dural patch and Integra(R) for temporary coverage. Definitive coverage was accomplished with a latissimus dorsi free flap. The injury was complicated by associated neurologic defects and seizure activity. However, management was effective, and at 1 year, the patient is alive and well. (J Burn Care Res 2011;32:e146-e148)
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Key words
friction burn,scalp,unusual injury,fourth-degree
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