Analysis of D0-->KK-barX decays.

Asner, Athanas, Bliss, Brower, Masek, Paar, Gronberg, Korte, Kutschke,Menary,Morrison, Nakanishi, Nelson,Qiao, Richman, Roberts, Ryd,Tajima, Witherell, Balest, Cho, Ford, Lohner, Park, Rankin, Roy,Smith,Alexander, Bebek,Berger, Berkelman, Bloom, Cassel, Cho, Coffman, Crowcroft,Dickson, Drell, Dumas, Ehrlich, Elia, Gaidarev, Gittelman,Gray, Hartill, Heltsley,Jones, Kandaswamy, Katayama,Kim, Kreinick, Lee, Liu,Ludwig, Masui,Mevissen, Mistry, Ng, Nordberg, Patterson, Peterson, Riley

Physical review D: Particles and fields(1996)

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