
Induction of DNA Fragmentation by Total-Body Irradiation in Murine Liver.


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Total-body irradiation (TBI) is an accepted modality to treat patients with disseminated tumors. The influence of the treatment on normal tissues is evaluated using mice by measuring the rate of the induction and distribution of apoptosis, as well as DNA fragmentation which occurs in the murine liver within hours of irradiation. Unanesthetized female C3H/He mice were exposed to gamma-ray TBI of 2, 7, and 20 gray (Gy) delivered from 60Co at a dose rate of 114 cGy/min. Frozen sections of livers which were excised from the animals at various times after irradiation were stained by hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) to count numbers of apoptotic cells, or were examined to detect DNA fragmentation. The percentages of apoptotic cells and length of the period during which the maximum levels of the percentages were exhibited showed a dose-dependent increase in the sections stained with H-E. No positive cells for 3'-OH ends of fragmented DNA were found in the liver before TBI, whereas positive cells were observed immediately after irradiation without dose-dependency, these positive cells returned to nearly basal levels after several hours. Positive cells were observed prior to showing apoptosis, suggesting that DNA fragmentation occurs immediately after TBI independent of apoptosis. The difference in the time courses between induction of DNA fragmentation and of apoptosis was not observed in other organs or in the samples treated with the detergent. These results suggested that the 3'-OH ends newly generated by TBI were masked by a detergent-soluble DNA-binding molecule which might be preferentially present in the murine liver.
total-body irradiation,murine liver,apoptosis,DNA fragmentation
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