
[Usefulness of Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Diagnosis of Bazin Erythema Induratum].


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BACKGROUND: Erythema induratum of Bazin (BEI), is included in the group of cutaneous granulomatous lobulillar panniculitis. The aethiopathogenic association between EI and tuberculosis can not rely on the clinicohistological features of these panniculitis and M. tuberculosis has never been isolated from BEI lesions. Detection of the mycobacterial DNA by PCR on cutaneous biopsy samples would allow to confirm this association.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen patients with clinical BEI were chosen retrospectively. Seventeen lesional biopsy samples were obtained, stained with the Kinyoun carbolfuchsin acid-fast technique and haematoxylin and eosin and tested by PCR, A fragment of the IS6110 insertion sequence specific of M. tuberculosis was amplified and confirmed by digestion with Sal I restriction endonuclease. The efficiency of the procedure, the presence of inhibitory substances and the preservation of DNA were checked by PCR of the beta-actin gene.RESULTS: M. tuberculosis DNA was detected in 12 of the 17 samples tested (70.5%) which corresponded to 10 of the 14 patients (71.4%). According to beta-actin PCR results, the rate of extracted DNA was inadequate on four of the five negative biopsies.CONCLUSIONS: The results of these series suggest the probable involvement of M. tuberbulosis on the BEI pathogenesis and give support to the usefulness of the PCR in the diagnosis of this pathology concerning the need of specific treatment.
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