
New Acoustic Method for Detecting Upper Airway Obstruction in Patients with Sleep Apnoea


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ABSTRACTBackground and objective: OSA is a common disorder resulting in health and economic burdens. Currently identifying OSA in patients involves expensive techniques that require overnight studies in a laboratory setting with qualified staff. This paper tests a new acoustic device (AirwayClear (AC)) for assessing upper airway patency in human subjects with OSA. We hypothesize that obstructive apnoeas would be detected equally well with AC and polysomnography (PSG).Methods: Twenty‐three patients with severe OSA underwent an overnight CPAP titration study. We introduced pseudorandom noise (600–1200 Hz) using AC to the patient's nasal mask during 1 h of subtherapeutic CPAP. AC determined a measure of airway patency based on the level of pseudorandom noise reaching a sternal notch sensor. The ability of AC to detect obstructive respiratory events was compared with standard PSG.Results: Three hundred and twenty‐two obstructive events (obstructive and mixed apnoeas) were identified by PSG. AC scored 80% as complete obstructions and 16% as partial obstructions. Conversely, AC detected 281 complete obstructions. PSG recognized 84% as apnoeas and scored 11% as hypopnoeas. Of the 204 hypopnoeas identified with PSG, AC indicated the airway was partially or completely obstructed in 69% of patients. A Bland–Altman analysis for the apnoeas from the two measures showed a mean difference of 2.3 events/h and 95% confidence intervals of ±15.5 events/h.Conclusions: We conclude that AC is able to track airway patency and to identify airway closure in patients with OSA.
acoustic method,diagnosis of apnoea,obstructive sleep apnoea,polysomnography,sound attenuation
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