
Spiculated Periosteal Response Induced by Intraosseous Injection of 22rv1 Prostate Cancer Cells Resembles Subset of Bone Metastases in Prostate Cancer Patients

˜The œProstate/˜The œprostate(2005)

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BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer bone metastasis is distinguished by the predominance of osteoblastic lesions. This phenotype has been difficult to reproduce in animal models. Here, we describe a model utilizing the 22Rv1 human prostate cancer cell line that generates osteolytic lesions and a prominent spiculated periosteal osteoblastic response following intraosseous injection in scid mice.METHODS: We injected 22Rv1-luciferase prostate cancer cells directly into the tibiae of C.B-17 scid mice. We analyzed tumor growth and pathology every 2 weeks using radiographic and histologic techniques.RESULTS: X-ray analysis revealed that 22Rv1 tumors elicit a mixed-type lesion including some osteolysis and a robust induction of periosteal bone formation, in contrast to PC3M-luciferase intraosseous tumors which induce only extensive osteolysis. Micro-computerized tomographic imaging shows that 22Rv1 tumors exhibit both osteolytic and osteoblastic features which become apparent between 4 and 6 weeks post injection. There is initial disruption of the cortex and corresponding invasion of the periosteum which is associated with a vigorous osteoblastic response. Histological analysis of late stage tumors shows that the tumor has grown outside of the medullary cavity and surrounds the tibia underneath the periosteum and intermixed with spicules of woven bone which is detected in the radiographic analysis.CONCLUSIONS: The overall pattern of this model is suggestive of clinical cases of prostate cancer metastasis in which periosteal responses are noted, often in association with rapidly progressive disease. We expect that intraosseous injection of 22Rv1 cells will provide a new experimental model for the study of osteoblastic prostate cancer metastasis.
metastasis,periosteal response,animal model
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