
Potential integration of Phasor Measurement Units and Wide Area Monitoring Systems based upon National Grid enterprise level CIM

Power and Energy Society General Meeting(2013)

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Summary form only given. The IEC Common Information Model (CIM) supports interoperability between power system applications by providing, as a reference model, a generic means of sharing heterogeneous proprietary data models at an enterprise level. Extension of the CIM to facilitate the modelling of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) is desirable from the perspective of data integration and wider uses of situational awareness. Such use cases could include near real time update of the Energy Management System (EMS) and advanced visualization of network status. However, the unification or harmonization of two key standards will be required in order to achieve such a goal. IEC 61970, a core CIM standard, was developed in (Universal Modelling Language) UML to facilitate the interoperability of extensive power system applications. Independently, IEC 61850 was developed primarily for substation control, monitoring and automation purposes and therefore represents a significant part of the Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) and PMUs domain. This presentation provides a brief overview of both standards and potential ways in which they can be extended to interoperate for the purpose of modeling IEDs and PMUs. Current enterprise level CIM use cases relating to National Grid as the GB transmission system operator will also be presented.
iec standards,unified modeling language,data integration,energy management systems,open systems,phasor measurement,power engineering computing,power grids,substation automation,transmission networks,ems,gb transmission system,iec 61970,iec common information model,ied,national grid enterprise level cim,pmu,uml,wams,automation purposes,energy management system,heterogeneous proprietary data model,intelligent electronic device,interoperability,network status visualization,phasor measurement unit,power system application,reference model,substation control,universal modelling language,wide area monitoring system,power systems,computer integrated manufacturing,data models
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