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Low-temperature Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors Fabricated from Laser-Processed Sputtered-Silicon Films

Charlottesville, VA, USA(1998)

LSI Log | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Cited 25|Views2
Excimer lasers have been successfully applied to fabrication of low temperature TFTs, since their laser fluence is sufficient to melt silicon, and its pulse-duration is short enough (i.e. 30 ns) to avoid overheating the substrate. With excimer laser processes available for crystallization and doping of TFTs, the major remaining bottleneck in development of a low temperature TFT process is deposition of the silicon film. Although a great deal of work has been put into investigation of PECVD a-Si films, little work has been put into examination of sputtered a-Si films. While both PECVD and sputtering methods are low temperature processes, the H concentration in the silicon films is more easily controlled using the sputtering technique. H-rich films are unattractive for laser processing, since the laser fluence must be gradually increased to avoid ablating the film due to explosive H evolution, and this use of multiple fluences reduces manufacturing throughput. A sputtered silicon film with little H content can be laser processed in similar fashion to an LPCVD film. This work presents TFTs fabricated from laser-crystallized sputtered silicon films of various H concentrations, and compares them to similarly processed LPCVD TFTs.
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Key words
crystallisation,elemental semiconductors,laser materials processing,semiconductor thin films,silicon,sputter deposition,thin film transistors,H concentration,H-rich films,LPCVD TFTs,PECVD a-Si films,Si,Si melting,Si:H,excimer laser crystallization,excimer laser doping,excimer laser processes,excimer lasers,explosive H evolution,film ablation,laser fluence,laser processing,laser-crystallized sputtered silicon films,laser-processed sputtered-silicon films,low temperature TFT fabrication,low temperature TFT process,low temperature processes,manufacturing throughput,multiple fluences,polysilicon thin-film transistor fabrication,polysilicon thin-film transistors,pulse-duration,silicon film H content,silicon film deposition,silicon films,sputtered a-Si films,sputtered silicon film,sputtering technique,substrate overheating
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