
Quench Detection & Instrumentation for the Tokamak Physics Experiment Magnets

Fusion Engineering, 1993, 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium(1993)

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The design of the Local Instrumentation & Control (I&C) System for the Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) superconducting PF & TF magnets is presented. The local I&C system monitors the status of the magnet systems and initiates the proper control sequences to protect the magnets from any foreseeable fault. Local I&C also stores magnet-system data for analysis and archiving. Quench Detection for the TPX magnets must use a minimum of two independent sensing methods and is allowed a detection time of one second. Proposed detection methods include the measurement of; (1) normal-zone resistive voltage, (2) cooling-path helium flow, (3) local temperature in the winding pack, (4) local pressure in the winding pack. Fiber-optic based isolation systems are used to remove high common-mode magnet voltages and eliminate ground loops. The data acquisition and fault-detection systems are computer based. The design of the local I&C system incorporates redundant, fault-tolerant, and/or fail-safe features at all component levels. As part of a quench detection R&D plan, a Quench Detection Model Coil has been proposed to test all detection methods. Initial cost estimates and schedule for the local I&C system are presented
Tokamak devices,data acquisition,fusion reactor instrumentation,fusion reactor materials,fusion reactors,nuclear engineering computing,superconducting magnets,Quench Detection Model Coil,TPX magnets,Tokamak Physics Experiment magnets,control sequences,cooling-path helium flow,data acquisition,detection time,fail-safe features,fault-detection systems,fault-tolerant features,fiber-optic based isolation systems,ground loops,high common-mode magnet voltage removal,instrumentation,local I&C system monitors,magnet-system data,normal-zone resistive voltage,quench detection,superconducting PF magnets,superconducting TF magnets,winding pack local pressure,winding pack local temperature
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