
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Control of Bloodstream on Imitative Blood-Circulation System

Magnetics, IEEE Transactions  (2014)

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In this paper, we designed an artificial blood-circulation system and an original medical device for the improvement of blood flow. First, we prepared an electromagnetic flowmeter and an adaptable coil conformed to the imitative system. The sinusoidal and rectangular signals emitted were sampled with a differential amplifier. Under a constant liquid-flow rate of 7.5 L/min at the alternating electromagnetic field strength of 20 mT, we were able to obtain an induced electromotive force of approximately 2.8 mV. In addition, we investigated the potential of some frequency-changing items to act as a new life-support device for clinical applications. By modifying a commercial magnetic field machine, we designed a prototype equipped with frequency switching of 50 and 0.5 Hz to trial a cure for poor lower limb intravenous flow, lower limb edema, and venous thrombus formation. These systems may provide new knowledge about a mechanism of blood massotherapy by electromagnetic stimulations in the developments of alternating magnetic field machines.
biomedical equipment,blood,blood flow measurement,blood vessels,coils,differential amplifiers,electromagnetic fields,flowmeters,adaptable coil,alternating electromagnetic field strength,artificial blood-circulation system,blood flow,blood massotherapy,bloodstream,clinical applications,commercial magnetic field machine,constant liquid-flow rate,differential amplifier,electromagnetic flowmeter,electromagnetic stimulations,extremely low-frequency electromagnetic control,frequency 0.5 hz,frequency 50 hz,frequency switching,frequency-changing items,imitative blood-circulation system,induced electromotive force,life-support device,lower limb edema,magnetic flux density 20 mt,original medical device,poor lower limb intravenous flow,rectangular signals,sinusoidal signals,venous thrombus formation,electromagnetic field,electromagnetic flowmeter (emf),extremely low frequency (elf)
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