Enlargement of Zero Average Index Gaps Frequency Range of Multiple-Channeled Filters by the Use of Heterostructures Containing Negative-Index Materials

2011 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2011(2011)

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Bandgap properties of hybrid structures combining defects and multiple heterostructures containing negative-index materials are investigated by optical transfer matrix method. This photonic heterostructure consists of different one-dimensional photonic crystals. The results obtained show that the zero-averaged refractive-index gaps can be substantially extended when the constituent ID photonic crystals have to be properly chosen and the phenomenon of efficient multiple-channeled optical filtering with enlarged zero average index gaps frequency range can be realized by adjusting the number and size of the defects. One, two, and three channeled filters are considered in the structures.
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Key words
optical filters,optical transfer function,photonic band gap,photonic crystals,refractive index,bandgap properties,hybrid structures,multiple-channeled optical filtering,negative-index materials,one-dimensional photonic crystals,optical transfer matrix method,photonic heterostructure,zero-averaged refractive-index gap frequency,
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