
Investigation of laser scribing of a-Si:H from the film side for solar modules using a UV laser with ns pulses

Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing(2011)

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This paper investigates laser scribing of a-Si:H layers from the film side with a ns pulsed UV laser for thin-film solar modules. We compared the contact resistance for several scribing methods and find that a low contact resistance is only achieved for double scribing methods (i.e. scribing the same line twice). Furthermore, we find that for such double scribing methods the alignment between the laser spots of the first and second sub-scribes is critical for good-quality contacts. In order to analyze these results in more detail, we examined the morphology and chemical composition at the surface of the laser lines using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry. From this analysis, we conclude that a good alignment between the first and second scribes results in less re-deposition of silicon in the form of SiO2 on the surface, which explains differences in contact resistance found for the various scribing methods. As a good alignment between the two sub-scribes is difficult to obtain, these double scribing methods are not attractive for industrial application. We developed a new scribing method for which alignment between the two scribes is not critical, and demonstrate that we can obtain high-quality contacts with this method.
Contact Resistance,Laser Line,Transparent Conductive Oxide,Solar Module,Laser Beam Incident
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