
Effect of Different N, P and K Fertilizers on Soil Ph and Available Cd under Waterlogged Conditions


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In order to tackle the problem of Cd pollution in paddy soils and investigate soil available Cd as affected by different fertilizers, incubation experiments were carried out to study the effects of different N, P and K fertilizers and pH by adding acid or base on soil available Cd under waterlogged conditions. Results revealed that soil pH increased sharply after the soil was flooded, especially at the beginning of incubation, and gradually decreased with incubation time and finally tended to approach the neutral values. The patterns of soil pH change were just opposite to those of soil available Cd, a negative correlation observed between the two. Soil flooding made the soil available Cd drop by 58.2%-84.1% . There were significant differences between different fertilizer types/varieties on soil available Cd, being most complex with N fertilizers and followed by K and P fertilizers. Among the fertilizers studied, ammonium chloride showed the unique ability in reducing soil pH and enhancing soil available Cd, and urea, single super phosphate and potassium chloride also promoted to a less extent amounts of Cd extracted from the soil. Ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate and mono-ammonium phosphate significantly decreased soil available Cd compared to the CK treatment. Whether or not the soil was flooded, soil available Cd was highly negatively correlated with soil pH after adding acid or base ( R = - 0.994 without incubation and R = - 0.919 after incubation for 60 d) . The results further suggest that in the Cd polluted paddy soil, use of ammonium chloride should be avoided, S bearing fertilizers in combination with alkaline materials can be adopted, and the rice field should be flooded all the time during growing season, all the these practices can effectively lower soil available Cd.
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